现在的公司工作已经有7个月了,现在已经辞职准备回国过年,回来后再找新的工作。因为之前听很多朋友跟我说过离职后公司应该付Vacation Pay(假期薪金),我自己也上网查到,只要工作满7天的员工离职都要付Vacation Pay。今天去公司领这个月的薪水,发现没有这笔Vacation Pay,问公司经理和财务,居然都不知道! 先把政府规定的关于假期薪金(Vacation Pay)的规定贴出来,大家一起看看,这项新水是否是必须支付的?有没有清楚的朋友帮忙解答一下,谢谢! http://www.labour.gov.bc.ca/esb/facshts/translations/chinese/annual_vacation.pdf
You are my pot of gold at the end of rainbow. 赏
回复: 关于Vacation Pay(假期薪金)肯定应该有的,你的经理在装傻。 你的公司是中国人的吗??那经理是中国人吗??评论
回复: 关于Vacation Pay(假期薪金)台湾人啊,我也觉得很过分,所以我今天已经提出来了。
You are my pot of gold at the end of rainbow.台湾人啊,我也觉得很过分,所以我今天已经提出来了。点击展开... 很过分呢,做人怎么可以这样不要脸面的。
回复: 关于Vacation Pay(假期薪金)应有。
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790 赏

1,979 $0.00 回复: 关于Vacation Pay(假期薪金)是啊,这个公司也有十几年了,居然不知道!我不知道以前那么多人辞职离开,从来没有人提出过?贴出来也是希望大家都了解这个规定,捍卫自己的权益!评论
You are my pot of gold at the end of rainbow.是啊,这个公司也有十几年了,居然不知道!我不知道以前那么多人辞职离开,从来没有人提出过?贴出来也是希望大家都了解这个规定,捍卫自己的权益!点击展开...离职后,如果你没有把休假用完,雇主需要要支付4%的Vacation Pay(假期薪金)。你看看你的ROE,如果没有写可以找他们理论。
http://www.canadameet.com 赏

1,979 $0.00 回复: 关于Vacation Pay(假期薪金)没有,而且我从来没有休过假,只有无数加班的补休都没算呢。评论
You are my pot of gold at the end of rainbow.离职后,如果你没有把休假用完,雇主需要要支付4%的Vacation Pay(假期薪金)。你看看你的ROE,如果没有写可以找他们理论。点击展开...谢谢,是不是ROE上显示都是全勤就可以了?
You are my pot of gold at the end of rainbow.谢谢,是不是ROE上显示都是全勤就可以了?点击展开...ROE上显示有vacation pay,就是表面你已经拿过了。
http://www.canadameet.comROE上显示有vacation pay,就是表面你已经拿过了。点击展开...看了,上面确实没有。一定争取回来!
You are my pot of gold at the end of rainbow.回复: 关于Vacation Pay(假期薪金)If employment is terminated18 (1) An employer must pay all wages owing to an employee within 48 hours after the employer terminates the employment.(2) An employer must pay all wages owing to an employee within 6 days after the employee terminates the employment.Entitlement to annual vacation57 (1) An employer must give an employee an annual vacation of(a) at least 2 weeks, after 12 consecutive months of employment, or(b) at least 3 weeks, after 5 consecutive years of employment.(2) An employer must ensure an employee takes an annual vacation within 12 months after completing the year of employment entitling the employee to the vacation.(3) An employer must allow an employee who is entitled to an annual vacation to take it in periods of one or more weeks.(4) An annual vacation is exclusive of statutory holidays that an employee is entitled to.Vacation pay58 (1) An employer must pay an employee the following amount of vacation pay:(a) after 5 calendar days of employment, at least 4% of the employee's total wages during the year of employment entitling the employee to the vacation pay;(b) after 5 consecutive years of employment, at least 6% of the employee's total wages during the year of employment entitling the employee to the vacation pay.(2) Vacation pay must be paid to an employee(a) at least 7 days before the beginning of the employee's annual vacation, or(b) on the employee's scheduled paydays, if(i) agreed in writing by the employer and the employee, or(ii) provided by the collective agreement.(3) Any vacation pay an employee is entitled to when the employment terminates must be paid to the employee at the time set by section 18 for paying wages.
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 关于Vacation Pay(假期薪金)财务居然不知道?
------------------------------------------------http://www.beaware.gc.ca/english/toce.shtmlhttp://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.htmlhttp://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/toce.shtml回复: 关于Vacation Pay(假期薪金)有的公司是每期粮都自动加上4%的,离职就会没有
You are my pot of gold at the end of rainbow.肯定应该有的,你的经理在装傻。 你的公司是中国人的吗??那经理是中国人吗??点击展开... 呵呵老板是中国人,工人也是中国人,还好没有像国内民工过年讨钱有的公司Vacation Pay含在每次pay里面,比如我们公司一般西人公司都不含,辞职他一次给清
回复: 关于Vacation Pay(假期薪金)如果财务不知有此,那是装傻如果把这些温哥华的乡镇企业看作打公司的话,那就像错了
回复: 关于Vacation Pay(假期薪金)有的公司是每期粮都自动加上4%的,离职就会没有点击展开...去这种公司上班就没有休假了。
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 关于Vacation Pay(假期薪金)我的Vacation Pay已经要回来了,谢谢大家!
You are my pot of gold at the end of rainbow.回复: 关于Vacation Pay(假期薪金)恭喜,争取还是有用的。
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