加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于医保问题,,大家帮帮忙
本人19岁办医保是和在一个家庭里办(证明是学生即可)好,还是单独办好?如果和在家庭办,会不会很多福利享受不了,比如助学贷款? 希望知道的人帮帮忙
回复: 关于医保问题,,大家帮帮忙本人19岁办医保是和在一个家庭里办(证明是学生即可)好,还是单独办好?如果和在家庭办,会不会很多福利享受不了,比如助学贷款? 希望知道的人帮帮忙点击展开...MSP的问题参考下面:https://www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca/msp/infoben/eligible.html#depMSP will send a letter to the account holder as a child approaches age 19, advising that coverage as a dependent under that account will end on the last day of the month the child turns 19. MSP will provide continuous coverage for the child by setting up a new, self-administered account. Initially, a premium assistance subsidy of 100 per cent will be provided (if the residency requirements for premium assistance are met). The account holder has the option of continuing to cover the child, if the child is eligible, but will need to contact MSP with details. Dependent coverage can continue for children who are full-time students until the last day of the month in which they turn 25, provided they are not married or living in a marriage-like relationship, and are supported by the account holder 不清楚 Student Loan
·生活百科 业主自住保险涨得这么快!
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