加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息急问关于msp的问题



回复: 急问关于msp的问题打电话通知msp

回复: 急问关于msp的问题打电话通知MSP你离开CANADA 及离开的时间,那样MSP会停止或作废你的医疗卡.等下次长登时在重新申请.当然还要等三个月才生效.

回复: 急问关于msp的问题先谢过葫芦妈妈和lyn1973了。看来还是逃避不了要打电话去msp了。但是我的英语好烂阿,我怕到时听不懂对方的话呢!还有就是,我是不是打那个msp网站上的电话呢:604-6873-7151,但这个电话是语音电话阿?还是要工作日打才有人工服务呢?谢谢好心人的回答拉!

回复: 急问关于msp的问题我一月份短登之后办了医疗卡,二月份就回中国了。三月底温哥华的亲戚说收到寄来的医疗卡缴费单了。因为考虑到我这一年不可能在那里呆上半年,所以就不打算交那份钱了。谁知这个月又寄来催交钱的信。现在我该怎么办呢?交还是不交这个钱呢?不交的话,是否就一直都会收到这种缴费单呢,过一两年长登的话,会影响到时的医疗保险吗?如果我交了的话,长登之后是否也要等住够三个月才可以享受保险呢?而且是否就一直都要交钱呢?大家给个意见吧!现在都不知该咋办呢!点击展开...如果你有信心自己在温哥华未来一年不会有什么病,就熬一年后申请,同时寄上上年的低收入证明,不用缴交任何费用了。

回复: 急问关于msp的问题先谢过葫芦妈妈和lyn1973了。看来还是逃避不了要打电话去msp了。但是我的英语好烂阿,我怕到时听不懂对方的话呢!还有就是,我是不是打那个msp网站上的电话呢:604-6873-7151,但这个电话是语音电话阿?还是要工作日打才有人工服务呢?谢谢好心人的回答拉!点击展开...https://www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca/msp/infoben/contacts.htmlA customer service representative will be available to assist you between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m pacific time, Monday to Friday.

成功落?加拿大 回复: 急问关于msp的问题谢谢啦!我在大陆打过那个电话了,但是非工作时间是语音,工作时间打过去也是语音,但是可以转agent,不过可能太多人需要咨询,每次都是要hold的,根本就等不到有agent来接听,都不知道怎么办好了,缴费单上叫我交钱的dealine是这个月的29号呢!

回复: 急问关于msp的问题Temporary Absence from British ColumbiaYou may be eligible to receive coverage for up to 24 months during a temporary absence from B.C. Approval is limited to once in five years for absences that exceed six months in a calendar year.Residents who spend part of every year outside B.C. must be physically present in Canada at least six months in a calendar year and continue to maintain their home in B.C. in order to retain coverage. If you are unsure whether you will qualify for coverage during an absence or know your eligibility will end, contact MSP with details.When you stay outside B.C. longer than the period for which you are entitled to coverage, you will be required to fulfill a waiting period upon return to the province before coverage can be renewed. You should be aware that your provincial coverage may not pay for all the health care costs you may incur outside the province, and the difference can be substantial. For example, B.C. pays $75 (Cdn) a day for emergency in-patient hospital care, while the average cost in the U.S. often exceeds $1000 (US) a day, and can be as high as $10,000 (US) a day in intensive care. For this reason, you are strongly advised to purchase additional health insurance from a private insurer before you leave the province, whether you are going to another part of Canada or outside the country - even if you plan to be away for only a day. See Medical Care Outside B.C. for more information.Medical Care Outside British ColumbiaIf you are eligible for coverage while temporarily absent from B.C. (see Temporary Absence from B.C.), MSP will help pay for unexpected medical services you receive anywhere in the world, provided the services are medically required, rendered by a licensed physician and normally insured by MSP. Reimbursement is made in Canadian funds and does not exceed the amount payable had the same services been performed in B.C. Any excess cost is the responsibility of the beneficiary.MSP does not cover the services of health care providers other than physicians (e.g. chiropractors or physical therapists) outside the province. Similarly, PharmaCare does not provide coverage for prescription drugs or medical supplies when obtained outside B.C. (see PharmaCare Plans and What is not covered by PharmaCare?).It is also important to be aware that the Ministry of Health does not subsidize fees charged for ambulance service obtained outside B.C. If you require ambulance service while in another province or outside Canada, you will charged the fees established by the out-of-province ambulance service provider. Fees range from several hundred to several thousand dollars. When purchasing additional out-of-province insurance, you are advised to obtain insurance that will cover emergency transportation while you are away and, if necessary, the cost of transportation back to B.C.Out of Province Emergency Medical CareMost physicians in other Canadian provinces and territories (except Quebec) will bill their own provincial health plan for services provided if you present your valid B.C. CareCard. The provinces recover the funding monthly between each other.When travelling in Quebec or outside of Canada, you will probably be required to pay for your medical services and seek reimbursement later from MSP (use an Out of Country Claim Form).B.C. residents are strongly advised to purchase additional health insurance when travelling to other Canadian provinces to cover the cost of services not included in the reciprocal agreement between provinces.Out of Country Emergency Medical CareThe cost of medical care outside Canada can be much higher than the amounts payable by MSP and extended health care plans. For complete protection, additional medical insurance should be purchased from a private insurance company, even if you only plan to leave the country for a day. Check the exclusions and limitations of your private insurance policy carefully to ensure that the policy meets your personal needs.If you have extended health benefits through your employer you should contact them to determine the policy provisions prior to purchasing additional medical insurance.When you receive medical services outside Canada (or in some instances outside B.C.), you will need to claim reimbursement from MSP using an Out of Country Claim Form (if you cannot print this form, see MSP Forms for other ways to obtain one). The completed form should be returned with: an itemized account, including the dates of service and details of services performed, and either the unpaid bills or the original receipts if the bills have been paid. Note: Out of Country claims must be submitted within 90 days of the date of service. In-patient hospital claims (and any associated medical claims) must be submitted within six months of discharge.Payment for physician services will be issued in Canadian funds only and will be paid at the same rate that would have been paid if the services were received in B.C.Seeking Elective (Non-Emergency) Medical Care Outside CanadaIf you leave Canada specifically to obtain medical or hospital care (and you would like to have your provincial coverage help pay for it), the medical specialist looking after your care in B.C. must write to MSP and provide information regarding the medical necessity for a referral outside of Canada. The specialist needs to provide information about what other treatment options have been explored elsewhere in B.C. and/or Canada. In cases where cancer is the diagnosis or treatment involves radiation or chemotherapy, MSP requires a recommendation from the B.C. Cancer Agency.Treatment which is considered to be experimental or still in the developmental (research) stage is not eligible for coverage.Note: If you do not obtain MSP approval for elective out of country medical care, all costs for services received outside Canada will be your personal responsibility. Travel and accommodation costs are not eligible for coverage.For additional information see MSP's Out of Province and Out of Country Medical Care Guidelines for Funding Approval (PDF 66Kb).https://www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca/msp/infoben/leavingbc.html

成功落?加拿大 回复: 急问关于msp的问题谢谢啦!我昨天打过电话去问了,嗬嗬,那位接线生被我的英语搞晕了,他说都不知道我在说什么,不过有一点可以肯定的就是,他叫我在网上cancel了现在的account,以后长登的时候再重新申请。现在的问题是我在网上找不到cancel的地方,只看到for permenant moving out of Canada的cancel申请,但是我以后还会回去阿,不知怎么办好了,也不好意思再打电话过去问了。

回复: 急问关于msp的问题You may be eligible to receive coverage for up to 24 months during a temporary absence from B.C. Approval is limited to once in five years for absences that exceed six months in a calendar year.哪位高手帮忙翻译这一句好吗?我闹不清楚什么意思。谢谢!

回复: 急问关于msp的问题请问AB省有这政策嘛?

回复: 急问关于msp的问题谢谢啦!我昨天打过电话去问了,嗬嗬,那位接线生被我的英语搞晕了,他说都不知道我在说什么,不过有一点可以肯定的就是,他叫我在网上cancel了现在的account,以后长登的时候再重新申请。现在的问题是我在网上找不到cancel的地方,只看到for permenant moving out of Canada的cancel申请,但是我以后还会回去阿,不知怎么办好了,也不好意思再打电话过去问了。点击展开...回?再重新申请

成功落?加拿大 You may be eligible to receive coverage for up to 24 months during a temporary absence from B.C. Approval is limited to once in five years for absences that exceed six months in a calendar year.哪位高手帮忙翻译这一句好吗?我闹不清楚什么意思。谢谢!点击展开...“如果你5年之中离开BC省6个月,你就可以申请退费,最多可以退24个月(两年)的。”

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