加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求助:枫叶卡一直没收到
求助:枫叶卡一直没收到都快一年了!本人于2007年九月份登陆温哥华的,当时进移民局的时候已经给了新地址。等了一个多月后打电话去移民局咨询。他们告诉我他们有两个地址不知道寄哪一个,后来就把枫叶卡寄去旧地址。于是我就想去旧地址处拿回来,谁知道旧房东已经把信退了回去。后来又打电话去移民局问,他们后来就寄了一份Solemn Declaration表格给我填。填完后我就传真去PR Card Processing Centre,又是等了很久没有消息,打电话去说有收到的传真记录,要我们等两个星期后在打电话确认。过了十个工作日在打电话去他们说他们也不知道根本查不了,后来又传真了多次又是没消息。在此期间也打过好几次电话,询问有没有收到,他们查了告诉我都没有收到。事隔半年什么消息都没有,于是最后就干脆寄信过去。打电话问他们,他们说因为过了三个月的期限,要我付五十元的申请费。可是又没寄要缴费的信件给我。前后差不多一年了我都没有收到枫叶卡。现在又有急事想回中国,可是没有枫叶卡,不知如何是好。大家给我出出主意吧!谢谢。
回复: 求助:枫叶卡一直没收到好像一直打电话去查询也是不起作用啊,温哥华有办理枫叶卡的办事处吗?大家给想想办法,谢谢。
回复: 求助:枫叶卡一直没收到给call center打电话,问问他们有没有local office。不知道下面的办法有没有用,也可以问问call center:You require urgent processing of your Permanent Resident Card applicationComplete your application as instructed in How to apply for your Permanent Resident Card on this page.Include a copy of your plane tickets with your application, and write “Urgent—Proof of travel included” on your envelope. An agent from the processing centre will examine your application quickly. Your travel itinerary will not be accepted as proof of travel.If you mailed your application before the processing times posted on our website and have not yet received your card, please send us the following information by fax at (514) 496‑8670: * surname and given name * client ID number (if available) * date of birth * home address * telephone number * email address (if applicable) * date you mailed your application (if applicable, include the tracking number) * a copy of your plane ticket and * a copy of the pages of your passport showing your name, date of birth and photograph.If all these requirements are met, we will examine your request and contact you within two business days to inform you whether it is possible to speed up the process.
回复: 求助:枫叶卡一直没收到谢谢楼上的回复
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