加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息18岁一下孩子每年700加元的牙医治疗费都怎么用
最近刚听说,每个孩子可以看牙医,费用不超过700加元,还有部分验光配镜的费用。有给孩子看过这类牙医或验光的同学吗? 麻烦给介绍一下经验。关于牙医,不知道需要找什么样的牙科诊所才能看,是不是只要有医疗卡就可以免费看700元?还需要其他条件吗?这个是相关的网页http://www.eia.gov.bc.ca/publicat/bcea/HealthyKids.htm What does the BC Healthy Kids Program cover? Dental ? Children are eligible for $700 of basic dental services per year. This coverage includes services such as exams, x-rays, fillings, cleanings and extractions. Your dentist can advise you of other services that may be covered. Emergency dental treatment is also available if the child’s annual limit has been reached. Emergency treatment is only available for the immediate relief of pain. Optical ? Children are eligible for prescription eyeglasses (lenses and basic frames) once in a twelve-month period. All prescriptions must be current and meet the program criteria. Further information is available from your optical supplier. Children ’ s eye examinations are covered by MSP. The BC Healthy Kids Program does not cover orthodontic treatment and/or contact lenses.
回复: 18岁一下孩子每年700加元的牙医治疗费都怎么用?低收入才行
赏 反馈:xianglibao 2008-06-11#3 563 $0.00 回复: 18岁一下孩子每年700加元的牙医治疗费都怎么用?对,低收入符合条件家庭。看牙:洗牙拔牙常规检查拍牙片都可以,额度内不计次数。不包括正畸。看眼:通常一年全面查一次视力,包括眼底检查,如果需要,每年第一副评价眼睛免费。不是每个医生都参加此计划,事先应问清楚。
(分享) 女儿来加两年的一点经验官方的加拿大“穷人”定义孩子最需要的是什么 赏 反馈:xianglibao 2008-06-11#4 1,239 $0.00 回复: 18岁一下孩子每年700加元的牙医治疗费都怎么用?谢谢楼上两位,都加分分了。再问一下,什么是低收入?单凭医疗卡能说明是低收入吗?
回复: 18岁一下孩子每年700加元的牙医治疗费都怎么用?对,报上卡号,他们就帮你查了。
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