加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教--温哥华的宽频网络:哪家最好?


在下新来乍到,诸事多有不明,特此请教诸位: 听说一家acanac网络公司,性价比最优,不知温哥华有没有? 请教--温哥华的宽频网络:到底哪家最好?

回复: 请教--温哥华的宽频网络:哪家最好?shaw市场占有最大。

温哥华奶爸回复: 请教--温哥华的宽频网络:哪家最好?shaw / Telus

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 请教--温哥华的宽频网络:哪家最好?我认识个SHAW的熟人,叫JACK,电话604-5378518,说家园LUCKYLUO介绍的能得到很好的服务,呵呵

。。。回复: 请教--温哥华的宽频网络:哪家最好?这里基本上没有宽带, 整个温哥只有五个ETTS Building是真正的宽带, 25M到户. 如果不打网络电话, 和网络游戏, Shaw比较好, 负责是TELUS, 因为ADSL可以保证带宽.

美丽的温哥华 - 照片集Victoria游玩中惊奇见闻温哥华,喜欢和不喜欢之最回复: 请教--温哥华的宽频网络:哪家最好?学习

回复: 请教--温哥华的宽频网络:哪家最好?shaw 's service and attitude is better than telus. telus is the worst in serivce

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=193516shaw 's service and attitude is better than telus. telus is the worst in serivce点击展开...absolutely, but Telus's network is better and cheaper than Shaw.

回复: 请教--温哥华的宽频网络:哪家最好?absolutely, but Telus's network is better and cheaperthan Shaw.点击展开...for my home, shaw is more stable than telus. For the first month when I used telus, it is always unstalbe, I called the service department for more than 10 times and the problem still has not been solver. I have to cancel telus and pay for penalty for $400 because I signed a 2 year contract with them.shaw, you can try for 1 free month and there is no contract to sign. you can cancel anyday and just pay by days.

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=193516absolutely, but Telus's network is better and cheaperthan Shaw.点击展开...comparing with the same high speed, they are the same price. cannot compare the price of the extremely high speed of shaw with the general high speed of telus.

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=193516comparing with the same high speed, they are the same price. cannot compare the price of the extremely high speed of shaw with the general high speed of telus.点击展开...how much?I don't think so.

回复: 请教--温哥华的宽频网络:哪家最好?for my home, shaw is more stable than telus. For the first month when I used telus, it is always unstalbe, I called the service department for more than 10 times and the problem still has not been solver. I have to cancel telus and pay for penalty for $400 because I signed a 2 year contract with them.shaw, you can try for 1 free month and there is no contract to sign. you can cancel anyday and just pay by days.点击展开...telus不稳定多数是因为分频器没有插对。我用telus非常稳定方便,我还有voip,iptv(麒麟电视)都运行在网络上,没有任何问题,没有延迟,声音画质都很不错。

一家之言,仅供参考,谢谢!联系本ID,请通过“悄悄话”或者email,非常感谢!for my home, shaw is more stable than telus. For the first month when I used telus, it is always unstalbe, I called the service department for more than 10 times and the problem still has not been solver. I have to cancel telus and pay for penalty for $400 because I signed a 2 year contract with them.shaw, you can try for 1 free month and there is no contract to sign. you can cancel anyday and just pay by days.点击展开...all most of business companies use telus service

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