加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息帮忙提供一点建议,先谢谢啦
我们一家三口准备9月份短期登陆温哥华,但是我们家孩子太小,刚刚周岁。各位,如果带这么点大的孩子第一次去一个完全陌生的地方待十天半个月,有没有问题?说实话我没把握能照顾好他。还不会说话,主要还吃奶粉。住家庭旅馆方便还是一般的hotel/inn方便? 这次不带孩子过去,以后肯定得重新申请,是不是?
回复: 帮忙提供一点建议,先谢谢啦带这么小的孩子很累。别说时差问题,光是在飞机上哄孩子就是一场噩梦。小孩晚上哭闹,一般家庭旅馆的隔音是顶不住地。考虑长登吧!
温哥华奶爸带这么小的孩子很累。别说时差问题,光是在飞机上哄孩子就是一场噩梦。 小孩晚上哭闹,一般家庭旅馆的隔音是顶不住地。 考虑长登吧!点击展开... 谢谢啦,想想那些过来人都很不容易。会熬人啊,也不会说话,就会哭。这次不去,landing paper expire,以后会不会有影响?谢谢!
回复: 帮忙提供一点建议,先谢谢啦If you don't bring your baby this time, you must bring him next time before the expiry of the landing paper, that is the medical check date. I think It is ok to bring your baby this time as this is only a short stay and you don't need to handle too many issues. Do remember to bring the formula as many babies only drink the formula that he usually drinks. Family hotel might be betor hotel are both ok as this is a short stay. But if you don't want to make noise for others, maybe hotel is better.The only problem is the car seat that your baby needs when you are in the car.
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=193516 谢谢啦,想想那些过来人都很不容易。会熬人啊,也不会说话,就会哭。这次不去,landing paper expire,以后会不会有影响?谢谢!点击展开...If it expires, you must apply for him again which will be even more thoublesome and spend more money. When you really wants to settle down in Canada but he has not got his visa yet, he cannot come with you.This will not be the right choice.
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=193516If it expires, you must apply for him again which will be even more thoublesome and spend more money. When you really wants to settle down in Canada but he has not got his visa yet, he cannot come with you.This will not be the right choice.点击展开... , I wish my baby could speak to me whether he would go or no go!!!
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