加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息哈哈,中大奖了。135W GBP英镑阿


<FONT face=Arial color=#000000 size=2>详见下文。刚打电话给布兰森,包了一加维珍的空客。明天准备坐维珍的专机去伦敦。有人陪我一起去么?哈哈哈! FROM MICROSOFT AWARD TEAM MICROSOFT Address xx Park,Xxxxesden London NWxx United Kingdom Ticket number ====== Micro/Aol/ xx-xx-xxx-xx Serial number ====== Micro/Aol/ xx-xx-xx-xx Ref number ====== Micro/Aol/ xx-xx-xx-xx Batch number ====== Micro/Aol/ xx-xx-xx-xx Lucky number ====== xxx-xx-xx-xx(xxx) Winning code number: (xxxxx) Dear Winner, WINNING NOTIFICATION We write to inform you that Microsoft and aol has set out and sucessfully organised a Sweepstakes marking the year 2008 anniversary we rolled out over GBP Ј6,750 000 00 for our end of year Anniversary Draws. Participants for the draws were randomly selected and drawn from a wide range of web hosts which we enjoy their patronage. The selection was made through a computer draw system attaching personalised email addresses to ticket numbers. If you ignore this, you will regret it later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test. Your email address as indicated was drawn and attached to Ticket number======Micro/Aol/ xx-xx-xxx-xx with Serial number ======Micro/Aol/ xx-xx-xx-xx and drew the Lucky number ======xxx-xx-xx-xx(xxx) which subsequently won you Ј1,350,000.00(One MillionThree Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great Britain Pounds)) as one of the 4 jackpot winners in this draw. You have therefore won the entire winning sum of Ј1,350,000.00(One MillionThree Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great Britain Pounds) The draws registered as Draw number one was conducted in Xxxxxley, London United Kingdom on the xth of Mxxx 2008.These Draws are commemorative and as such special. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of Ј1,350,000.00 (One MillionThree Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great Britain Pounds) in cash, which is the winning payout for Second category winners. This is from the total prize money of (GBP Ј6,750 000 00) shared among the Five Winners in the Second category. CONGRATULATIONS ! Your winnings should be claimed from our paying COURIER FIRM: FRONTIERS DELIVERY SERVICES .As we have notified them. Due to the mix-up that may arise from emails of winners and numbers we ask that you keep this award strictly from public notice until your claim has been processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unscrupulous acts by participants of this program. We hope with a part of your prize, you will participate in our end of year(2008)high stakes(ЈGBP)GBP Ј6,750 000 00 ). To begin your claim, please contact immediately, our paying agent who also will be you claims agent: <DIV>Call: Mr JOHN Gxx. MANAGER FRONTIERS DELIVERY SERVICE OFFICE ADDRESS:xx Park,Xxxxxsden London NWxx United KingdomEmail: [email protected]<FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#0000ff size=4>Tele:

回复: 哈哈,中大奖了。135W GBP英镑阿???

辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List回复: 哈哈,中大奖了。135W GBP英镑阿第一次接到这样邮件啊!?以后会有更多的!


回复: 哈哈,中大奖了。135W GBP英镑阿哈哈,以前接到过。都来自非洲阿什么的。这次可是大英帝国点击展开..."大英帝国"骗子不少, 我知道的一个故事, 一女孩在网上卖家具,结果一"大英帝国"的小伙, 不远重洋从大西洋那头发来邮件,说自己马上要搬到美国XXX, 需要她的所有家具, 连家具的细节都不问. 过两天女孩收到一张2000刀的支票, 很奇怪. 那个小伙又发邮件来了说,自己不小心开错支票了,希望女孩去bank将支票兑现了,将剩余的金额汇给他, 并且给50刀手续费等等, 女孩好心没有要手续费, 但是去银行兑现了, 当下就将剩余的款项去西联给汇了, 隔天,女孩发现自己银行户头给银行扣了2000刀走了. 于是去银行问, 银行说昨天拿来的是空头支票. 银行之所以给你兑现,是因为你帐户有足够的钱做抵押. 就这样女孩被人骗了,骗子还是大英帝国来的. 我费事写这个真实的故事是想给大家提个醒, 因为这个骗局已经让很多人上过当了.

Live@Vancouver 我的相册本子 回复: 哈哈,中大奖了。135W GBP英镑阿呵呵呵。我还说一个是自由法国的。那时候,我在找房子,一个老头给我一个邮件,说他有房子在温哥华,可是他现在必须回到法国去,因为他有生意在法国要照顾。他可以把他的房子免费给我住,不过我得帮他找看着这边的生意,主要任务是有人汇款过来,我帮他收并转往法国。呵呵呵。我一想,不干。

回复: 哈哈,中大奖了。135W GBP英镑阿谢谢,我也是个思想简单的人,不要上当才好

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