Richmond Maritime FestivalAugust 15 10:00 - 5:00pmAugust 16 & 17 12:00am - 5:00pmLocation: Britannia Heritage Shipyard National Historic Site 5180 Westwater Drive (at the foot of Railway Avenue)FREE! Celebrate Richmond's traditional connections with the sea at the 5th Annual Richmond Maritime Festival. This family event at Britannia Shipyard National Historic Site will give you the opportunity to see a variety of maritime exhibits, such as knot tying, rope making, model boat building, and net mending. The whole family can enjoy live entertainment (sea songs and shanties) and participate in hands-on demonstrations. Plus the water will showcase a floating exhibition of boats for your viewing pleasure. Many boats will be at the docks of the shipyard, including a 1930's rum-runner, historic fishing boats and classic power and sail boats. Sponsored by Port Metro Vancouver, BC 150, Britannia Shipyard and M & M Meats

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