上第一节生物课。。。 老师说道说道policy之后,就往投影上打了个图。。。是个大大的植物细胞。。。然后密密麻麻的一堆箭头指着里面各个components,然后用英文标出来。。。貌似除了cell wall和DNA两个词能看懂以外,其他的全看不懂。。。都是10个字母以上的单词。。。mitochondria、chloroplast、nucleolus、central vecuole还能猜出来。。。还有20多个我猜不出来的呢。。。当场。。。 然后老师对着图说啊说啊,同学们听得津津有味,我就在那里跟个傻B似的杵着。。。说着说着还说下节课要根据这幅图和另外一幅图写一篇compare and contrast essay,作为第一次quiz。。。 下课立马跑去drop掉。。。 哎,爷来这里念书还没这么狼狈过。。。心情好差。。。 得,问问大家伙。。。成人高中课程有单开生物的么?什么时候报名?现在来得及么?
辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List 赏 反馈:云轻风淡 2008-09-03#2 牛
回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。这个只能说明肥蟹修行还没修好。 这种情形我见多了,现在即使全不懂,俺也照样过自己的日子。--不也照样过混了3年,一点事情都末有。评论
回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。跟我第一天上英文课一样,同学说的那叫一个溜~,我3个小时里就听懂老师最后说再见,心里那个低落啊~~没关系,都会慢慢好起的!
回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。有这么恐怖啊?你不是学了蛮久的英语了啦
回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。你怎么要学生物呢?
回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。有这么恐怖啊?你不是学了蛮久的英语了啦点击展开... 英语隔行如隔山。 我认识的一个当地人,学财务,那个累呀。我问她你英语这么好学起来也这么累呀,她告诉我那些财务方面的英语对她来说也是全新的,只是老师解释起来她理解比较快点。
回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。偶女儿也最怕生物课,一上生物课就晕!
回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。大闸蟹的身体各部位的词汇应该也挺复杂的吧?什么钳子爪子须的。没事,20个词半天记下来。国内的应试教育,死记硬背的功夫应该还是能过关的。
赏 英语隔行如隔山。 我认识的一个当地人,学财务,那个累呀。我问她你英语这么好学起来也这么累呀,她告诉我那些财务方面的英语对她来说也是全新的,只是老师解释起来她理解比较快点。点击展开...其实中文也一样,那些专业课上的用中文字,个个都认识,拼在一起,天知道是什么意思
回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。老肥蟹,,不是吧,,你这么强居然听不懂?看来我不能读工科以后
回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。most of them are two different words combined to be one word, some of them has latin pattern, remember the root words, it could be easier for you!
岁月静好! 赏 反馈:oldfatcrab 2008-09-03#12
10,085 $0.00 回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。哎。。。我高中本来生物就不是很强的说。。。会考刚刚过线得了个优。。。可会考那难度,大家知道的,很简单。。。前几天突然头脑一热,说换个专业吧。。。然后就转到生物相关专业了。。。之前对生物相关的英语没啥积累。。。也就这样了。。。找个成人高中,从零做起~评论
辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds Listmost of them are two different words combined to be one word, some of them has latin pattern, remember the root words, it could be easier for you!点击展开...比如?mitochondria是怎么解释成线粒体的?
辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List哎。。。我高中本来生物就不是很强的说。。。会考刚刚过线得了个优。。。可会考那难度,大家知道的,很简单。。。 前几天突然头脑一热,说换个专业吧。。。然后就转到生物相关专业了。。。之前对生物相关的英语没啥积累。。。 也就这样了。。。找个成人高中,从零做起~点击展开...不是吧,我服你了换专业那你以前学的不是白学了不解
回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。不是吧,我服你了换专业那你以前学的不是白学了不解 点击展开...倒不是白学,跨的科目有点小多。。。生物、化学、数学、物理、计算机。。。面面俱到。。。
辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List比如?mitochondria是怎么解释成线粒体的?点击展开...The word mitochondrion comes from the Greek μίτος or mitos, thread + χονδρίον or khondrion, granule. Their ancestry is not fully understood, but, according to the endosymbiotic theory, mitochondria are descended from ancient bacteria, which were engulfed by the ancestors of eukaryotic cells more than a billion years ago. that's the explain from the google, it is from Greek language, no wonder you feel difficult to remember it. But if you study them well, you can learn other language easily ,hehe.Biology is important for Medical course,if you like to take medical related career, better study it well!
岁月静好!Biology is important for Medical course,if you like to take medical related career, better study it well!点击展开...well, yet english is a tough job, I will have another GREEK!!! to learn...anyway, I have to study Biology well, abso-fucking-lutely...but I think it will be more acceptable for me to learn it from the basic stuff instead of these things in the college...
辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。I have bookmarked a website , there are some basic textbooks for biology and something else. Maybe you will like check it:http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/online_texts.htm
回复: 今天心情糟糕到极点。。。I have bookmarked a website , there are some basic textbooks for biology and something else. Maybe you will like check it:http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/online_texts.htm点击展开...dude~thanks a lot~
辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds Listwell, yet english is a tough job, I will have another GREEK!!! to learn...anyway, I have to study Biology well, abso-fucking-lutely...but I think it will be more acceptable for me to learn it from the basic stuff instead of these things in the college...点击展开...hehe,don't be sad, you will be fine, I believe you!heheBy the way, what's your major? I don't think everyone suitable for medical career! Try to concentrate on what you are good at, and make it a career!
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