加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不
转的。刚开始看的时候以为怎么中国人用中国护照回国探亲了怎么不能回加拿大了?为什么机场不放行的理由竟是还要有回国的VISA才行?原来事出有因。。。。请大家看看,有点学习的经验阿。 'Our Chinese Nightmare' Wed, October 15 2008 Darcy Lambert and his family were looking forward to returning home to Vancouver following a month-long vacation in China. But at the Beijing Air Canada check-in counter they were shocked to learn that only Darcy would be leaving the country. Darcy’s wife Autumn and his 19-year-old step-daughter Cerena were denied boarding passes for their flight home to Canada because their Canadian passports lacked Chinese visas. Without the proper documentation, they were informed, they simply could not leave China. According to Darcy, a Canadian citizen, his travel agent had repeatedly advised them that as Chinese nationals, Autumn and Cerena did not need the single-entry visas required by the communist state. And at the airport in Vancouver, while the Air Canada attendant noted their missing visas, the family says it was waived through to the international departure lounge. In recounting a nightmare that separated him from his family for 12 frightening days, the 47-year-old Burnaby accountant believes that if the missing visas were going to be such a problem, it was Air Canada’s duty to stop his wife and daughter from leaving Canada and warning them of the “massive problems” they would ultimately encounter at the tail end of their once-in-a-lifetime Chinese vacation to visit relatives in Wulong. Vancouver immigration lawyer Jeffrey Lowe explains that airlines do have the responsibility of ensuring that anyone boarding a plane has the legal right to enter a destination country, or that airline could face fines and the cost of returning that person back to their home. But holidaying travellers are ultimately responsible for checking exit visa requirements - and regional travel visa regulations - with the local consulate or embassy of the country or countries they are planning to visit on their overseas trip. Complicating matters, Autumn and Cerena felt it would be easier to enter China on their Chinese passports, while returning home to Canada as Canadians. It was a shortcut that would ultimately lead to even greater disaster. After the Beijing Air Canada attendant learned that the Lambert women had used their Chinese passports to enter the country, they were bluntly informed that China does not recognize dual citizenship. Autumn and Cerena were told they would have to renounce their Chinese citizenships in order to receive exit cards to leave China ? a lengthy and precarious procedure. [FONT=宋体]“[/FONT]I couldn’t believe it,” says Autumn, who was told by border police the process would take six months to a year and involve a journey to her hometown of Harbin to officially renounce her citizenship, and that of her daughter. [FONT=宋体]“[/FONT]I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t fix this problem at the airport,” the 41-year-old aesthetician recalls. The border police also informed them that even once the paperwork to revoke their citizenships was completed, there was no guarantee of an exit visa. Lost in a darkening limbo of Chinese bureaucracy, Darcy and Autumn reached a heart wrenching decision ? he would go home and beseech the Canadian government for assistance; she would remain in China and explore every possible avenue of escape. [FONT=宋体]“[/FONT]It didn’t make sense for me to stay and it wasn’t going to help us in any shape or form,” says Darcy, who married Autumn eight years ago and has only a limited knowledge of the Chinese languages. In Beijing, Autumn’s pleas for assistance from the Canadian Embassy’s 24-hours hot-line were met with the same response Darcy was getting back in Canada from his local member of parliament. Because Autumn and Cerena entered China on Chinese passports, they were considered Chinese citizens by the Chinese authorities and would have to abide by China’s laws. In an e-mail, Marie-Pierre Martel, the Asian Case Management officer from NDP MP Bill Siksay’s Burnaby-Douglas office explained: “Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do if the Chinese are not willing to expedite the process. We (Canada) cannot interfere with local laws.” According to Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada spokesperson Bernard Nguyen: “Anyone travelling abroad should use their Canadian passport; without it the ability of Canadian officials to provide consular services is limited. It also proves that you have a right to return to Canada.” Last year, 47 Canadians were detained in China. While most of those cases involved serious charges such as fraud, trafficking, murder or conspiracy, Canadians are routinely detained for improper travel documentation, says Nguyen.Once Autumn and Cerena arrived in Harbin, they quickly became frustrated in their attempts to obtain exit cards. A Chinese official asked Autumn for her marriage certificate as well as Darcy’s Canadian citizenship card. He requested documents and certificates of identification and residency. Ultimately, he wanted to fine them 10,000 Renmibi ($1,695) for overstaying their visit, a result of the very dilemma that had put them at his mercy in the first place. In the end Autumn never did get the exit cards. As a week passed, it seemed increasingly possible that Autumn and Cerena would never return to Canada. Autumn and Darcy debated selling their home in Canada and relocating to China. But as a last resort, Autumn turned to bribery. Her first attempts at bribery failed. Autumn backed out of the deals because she doubted the middleman’s ability to deliver on the exit cards. According to Autumn, she finally broke through the wall of bureaucracy, allegedly bribing an official to immediately renounce their Chinese citizenships and give them a five-day exit visa for 5000 Renmibi ($847) each. Today, Autumn knows she and her daughter were lucky that they were only detained for 12 days.[/SIZE] [FONT=宋体]“[/FONT]It seemed like a year, I couldn’t sleep at all,” she says. It cost an extra $3,000 in accommodation, airfare, food and bribes. But it was a small price to pay, she says, to ensure her family’s escape from China. The Lamberts now wonder how many other travellers, how many well-intentioned vacationing families, have been caught up in their own private nightmares for lack of checking on visas, sorting through certificates, or reading the fine print on their travel documents. [FONT=宋体]“[/FONT]I wanted to share our story, so other people will be more prepared,” Darcy tells the Asian Pacific Post. “Do your own research prior to leaving.”
快乐的boo妈~回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!明知故犯,活该! 偷鸡不成蚀把米
回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!哎,没想到转个帖子不容易啊。为了给大家看得更容易些,我排了一下版哦,现在终于有行距了。哈哈
快乐的boo妈~回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!还标出了重点
快乐的boo妈~明知故犯,活该! 偷鸡不成蚀把米点击展开...谁都知道中国不承认双重国籍, 怎么这么傻....ACCOUNTANT 机关算尽,算到自己头上,还说机场出入境管理的错...真是的....
回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!所以,按我的理解是他们已经入了加拿大国籍了,但是用的还是中国护照飞中国。想要飞温哥华的时候用的是加拿大护照,所以出现了问题,因为中国不承认双重国籍,所以认定他们用加拿大护照想回加拿大的话就要VISA,对吧?我老公看了这篇文章还问我是不是我也要去大使馆申请回国VISA,我说我还是中国公民为啥要VISA?还是保险的问大家一句,我现在还是中国公民回中国不用啥VISA了吧?回国就用中国护照,然后回加拿大的时候出示枫叶卡,对不?
快乐的boo妈~回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!你有入籍吗? 如果没有,中国护照有效, 移民纸, 枫叶卡有效就 OK 了
回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!他们根本就是得用中国护照回加拿大....亏他们想得出来回加拿大用加国护照....入中国时记录是中国护照,出境变加拿大,没扣起一两个月算幸运的了
回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!你有入籍吗? 如果没有,中国护照有效, 移民纸, 枫叶卡有效就 OK 了点击展开...好的,谢谢你的回复!我还是中国籍,不过12月份要回国探亲(来了2年了,第一次回国探亲,所以不太清楚程序)现在懂了,还是中国籍的话出示中国护照,移民纸,枫叶卡就行了。谢谢!
快乐的boo妈~回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!用中国护照,没有枫叶卡确实回不了加,要VISA的,其实人还是简单点好,动那么多脑筋,也太累了,换加拿大护照前想好得失.不可能两边便宜都占了.
生命的点滴都值得记录回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!这些人本来就是自己错了,回国用中国护照,出国用加拿大护照?哪里能那样搞?自己傻,甚至可以说犯法了,出了问题还要怪别人?并且还要讲什么是因为行贿才得以拿到出境卡。行贿不是犯罪?怎么,罚款交了没有?这些人,明明自己犯罪了,好像还很理直气壮,到处宣扬,真是荒唐。
回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!这些人本来就是自己错了,回国用中国护照,出国用加拿大护照?哪里能那样搞?点击展开...是不是两个国家都承认双重国籍的情况下就可以随便用了?
圣经学习中,请多多指教!求购像这样的儿童乐高玩具回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!走到哪里都还是要老实本份。
回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!Darcy是加拿大人,对中国法律不熟悉。Autumn应该曾经是中国人,应该怪她没有对有关的规定进行研究就贸然回中国。如果多上上家园网,这种错误应该可以避免,类似的帖子在家园网上是有很多的。
回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!不管哪一国人都应该知道百分之九十九的国家是不承认双重国籍的,闹着玩呢?当会计师怎么能这么糊涂,帮客人报税的时候怎么又不糊涂了?Darcy是加拿大人,对中国法律不熟悉。Autumn应该曾经是中国人,应该怪她没有对有关的规定进行研究就贸然回中国。如果多上上家园网,这种错误应该可以避免,类似的帖子在家园网上是有很多的。点击展开...
回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!灌水,目标:声望改变能力过5000
。。。回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!多口说一句我有一个台湾的朋友,虽然历来在我心目中台湾是中国的一部分但他就拥有台湾和加拿大双重国籍,他到离开加拿大用的是加拿大护照,他登录台湾的时候用台湾护照,完全没有问题,又可以省下一笔签证的费用,又不用那么麻烦。原因就是台湾和加拿大都允许双重国籍,虽然在我心中台湾不是一个国家。
回复: 转《'Our Chinese Nightmare' 》真人真事,回不了加拿大。我刚一看,吓了一跳!那位试试只用没加拿大签证的中国护照从加拿大出境看看啥结果?
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