加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息(转贴)Fido ---没有SAF(System Access Fee)的计划


来源:http://www.howardforums.com/showpost.php?p=11888865&postcount=1 Monthly Plans $15 - 50 Daytime Minutes, 50 SMS in Canada$20 - 50 Daytime Minutes, Unlimited Evenings and Weekends at 7, 50 SMS in Canada$25 - 100 Weekday Minutes, Unlimited Evenings and Weekends at 7, Unlimited SMS in Canada$35 - 250 Weekday Minutes, Unlimited Evenings and Weekends at 7, Unlimited SMS in Canada$50 - 600 Weekday Minutes, Unlimited Evenings and Weekends at 7, Unlimited SMS in Canada$70 - 2000 Weekday Minutes, Unlimited Evenings and Weekends at 7, Unlimited SMS in Canada$40 Full Fido - 2000 Anytime Minutes within Zone, Unlimited SMS in Canada$60 Full Fido - 4000 Anytime Minutes within Zone, Unlimited SMS in Canada$60 iPhone Plan - 250 Weekday Minutes, Unlimited Evenings and Weekends at 7, Unlimited SMS in Canada, 500MB of Data in Canada, Fido / Rogers Hotspot Access, Visual Voicemail$75 iPhone Plan - 500 Weekday Minutes, Unlimited Evenings and Weekends at 7, Unlimited SMS in Canada, 1GB of Data in Canada, Fido / Rogers Hotspot Access, Visual VoicemailPer Second Billing, No device eligibility worries, Minute Tracker auto-added, All customers can sign-up to these plans, call waiting and conference calling included, 35cents / min overage, LD 35cents / min, 15cents per SMS above package, 50cents per MMS, Employee / Ambassador Accounts eligible!No more charge for Expanded Network iPhone plans still require 3 year agreement. Add-On Options $10 Value Pack - Call Display w/ Name Display, Whocalled, Enhanced Voicemail$10 iPhone Value Pack - Call Display, Who Called, Visual Voicemail$15 Value Pack - Call Display w/ Name Display, Whocalled, Enhanced Voicemail, 5PM Evenings, Unlimited On-Device Browsing$10 Unlimited Incoming Calling Option - Only available with new Fido Plans$5 for 200 SMS in Canada$10 for Unlimited SMS in Canada$20 for Unlimited LD in Canada$30 for Unlimited LD in North America (originating in Canada)$6 - Call Display w/ Name Display$6 - Enhanced Voicemail$7 - Unlimited On-Device Browsing$5 - 5PM Early Evenings$5 - Mobile Mail ($2 Portal Fee)$3 - Call Forwarding$5 - International LD Saver$15 - 2MB Data$25 - 500MB Data$30 - 1GB Data$60 - 3GB Data$5 - Full Fido 50 minutes out of Zone MinutesSome new Rules No more couples plans - old plans will be grandfatheredNo more Q3 Voice plans - old plans will be grandfatheredNo more 3 Year Terms (except on iPhones)No more 3 Year Data Terms (only MTM or 2 Year)No BOGO Offer in Q4 - 7 $0 phones offeredNo more $50 3G DiscountNo more $100 Data Discount$25 Setup fee for current customers switching to new plans$35 Activation fee for all new customersAll price plan changes must be done through CS now $2 for customers wanting paper invoice (will be credited for now)All customers on new price plans can now only use Fido Dollars towards full price of Hardware (no agreement credit)$125 Data Discount (taken in store) when buying the Jack on a 2 year agreement with data plan on 2 Year agreement.$35 Activation fee is NON REFUNDABLE - even within 15 days.ECF / DECF stay the same.Customers can still add lines to grandfathered family plans.No SAF or 911 on any new plans

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: (转贴)Fido ---没有SAF(System Access Fee)的计划thanks. 对于我电话极少得人, 哪种计划比较合适?

回复: (转贴)Fido ---没有SAF(System Access Fee)的计划这些计划都是垃圾,FIDO把我们当傻子,以为我们不会计算。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]thanks. 对于我电话极少得人, 哪种计划比较合适?点击展开...prepaid 11.2/month

Nice to meet you.How are you?I'm fine.Thank you.And you?I'm fine ,too.回复: (转贴)Fido ---没有SAF(System Access Fee)的计划省去911和系统接入费也省不少。

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