加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息VISA Fraud - PLEASE READ
VISA FRAUD Just a heads up for everyone regarding the latest in Visa fraud. Royal Bank of Canada received this communication about the newest scam. This is happening in southern Alberta right now and moving. This one is pretty slick since they provide YOU with all the information, except the one piece they want.. Note, the callers do not ask for your card number; they already have it. This information is worth reading. By understanding how the VISA & MasterCard telephone Credit Card Scam works, you'll be better prepared to protect yourself. One of our employees was called on Wednesday from 'VISA', and I was called on Thursday from'MasterCard'. The scam works like this: Person calling says, 'This is (name), and I'm calling from the Security and Fraud Department at VISA. My Badge number is 12460 , Your card has been flagged for an unusual purchase pattern, and I'm calling to verify. This would be on your VISA card which was issued by (name of bank). Did you purchase an Anti-Telemarketing Device for $497.99 from a marketing company based in Arizona ?' When you say 'No', the caller continues with, 'Then we will be issuing a credit to your account. This is a company we have been watching and the charges range from $297 to $497, just under the $500 purchase pattern that flags most cards. Before your next statement, the credit will be sent to (gives you your address), is that correct?' You say 'yes'. The caller continues - 'I will be starting a Fraud Investigation. If you have any questions, you should call the 1- 800 number listed on the back of your card (1-800-VISA) and ask for Security. You will need to refer to this Control Number. The caller then gives you a 6 digit number. 'Do you need me to read it again?' Here's the IMPORTANT part on how the scam works: The caller then says, 'I need to verify you are in possession of your card'. He'll ask you to 'turn your card over and look for some numbers'. There are 7 numbers; the first 4 are part of your card number, the last 3 are the Security Numbers that verify you are the possessor of the card. These are the numbers you sometimes use to make Internet purchases to prove you have the card. The caller will ask you to read the last 3 numbers to him. After you tell the caller the 3 numbers, he'll say, 'That is correct, I just needed to verify that the card has not been lost or stolen, and that you still have your card. Do you have any other questions?' After you say no, the caller then thanks you and states, 'Don't hesitate to call back if you do', and hangs up. You actually say very little, and they never ask for or tell you the card number. But after we were called on Wednesday, we called back. Within 20 minutes to ask a question. Are we were glad we did! The REAL VISA Security Department told us it was a scam and in the last 15 minutes a new purchase of $497.99 was charged to our card. We made a real fraud report and closed the VISA account. VISA is reissuing us a new number. What the scammers want is the 3-digit PIN number on the back of the card. Don't give it to them. Instead, tell them you'll call VISA or Master Card directly for verification of their conversation. The real VISA told us that they will never ask for anything on the card as they already know the information since they issued the card! If you give the scammers your 3 Digit PIN Number, you think you're receiving a credit.. However, by the time you get your statement you'll see charges for purchases you didn't make, and by then it's almost too late and/or more difficult to actually file a fraud report. What makes this more remarkable is that on Thursday, I got a call from a 'Jason Richardson of MasterCard' with a Word-for-word repeat of the VISA Scam. This time I didn't let him finish. I hung up! We filed a police report, as instructed by VISA. The police said they are taking several of these reports daily! They also urged us to tell everybody we know that this scam is happening. I dealt with a similar situation this morning, with the caller telling me that $3,097 had been charged to my account for plane tickets to Spain , and so on through the above routine. It appears that this Is a very active scam, and evidently quite successful. [FONT="]Pass this on to all your family and friends [/FONT]
回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READ谢谢提醒,看来欺诈行为在哪里都有啊!小心驶得万年船!有道理!
定居white rock 随感http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=142168想坐邮轮吗?TeL: (778) 8585072 Amy 邮轮资讯查询:www.cruiseshipcenters.com/AmyDu优惠信息:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=372871回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READ谢谢!
回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READ谢谢!
You are my pot of gold at the end of rainbow.回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READthanks for sharing.
回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READthank you very much for the warning.
回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READthanks
回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READ哎,我的BMO的Debit Card 账户上个星期刚被黑刷了2000+刀和被提款1000+刀。事发的时候Debit Card 还在我钱包里呢。不知道啥时被复制了卡和他们如何知道的密码。现在是圣诞前夕,要提高警惕才行哦。现在正在调查中~~~~~~银行说要10天才能有结果。事发前几天我只用过2次debit card,一次是在小有名气的川菜馆(巴渝*舍)吃川菜,一次是在safeway买月票。
快乐的boo妈~哎,我的BMO的Debit Card 账户上个星期刚被黑刷了2000+刀和被提款1000+刀。事发的时候Debit Card 还在我钱包里呢。不知道啥时被复制了卡和他们如何知道的密码。现在是圣诞前夕,要提高警惕才行哦。现在正在调查中~~~~~~银行说要10天才能有结果。事发前几天我只用过2次debit card,一次是在小有名气的川菜馆(巴渝*舍)吃川菜,一次是在safeway买月票。点击展开...WOW!看来大家真得要当心了!
回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READ谢谢提醒。这种骗局国内也有。信用卡号是谁也不能告诉的,有时候电话付费、网上付费甚至不用3位确认码也能消费。
圣经学习中,请多多指教!求购像这样的儿童乐高玩具回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READ天下乌鸦一般黑。。。。。。
回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READ这种交易信用卡公司能承认?能记入对帐单?点击展开...在加拿大,需要持卡人签字。
岁月静好!哎,我的BMO的Debit Card 账户上个星期刚被黑刷了2000+刀和被提款1000+刀。事发的时候Debit Card 还在我钱包里呢。不知道啥时被复制了卡和他们如何知道的密码。现在是圣诞前夕,要提高警惕才行哦。现在正在调查中~~~~~~银行说要10天才能有结果。 事发前几天我只用过2次debit card,一次是在小有名气的川菜馆(巴渝*舍)吃川菜,一次是在safeway买月票。点击展开...我朋友有一次用信用卡在Brentwood mall的London Drugs买东西,回来后信用卡公司就打电话报告说有人在那里买了3000多的电脑器材类,可是卡一直在他身上。因为发现及时,后来信用卡公司就抹掉这笔帐了。 现在有些可以解读,纪录磁条卡的假读卡机,没有卡片也可以盗用你的账户,一般都是有内部人配合才能成功盗取。所以购物最好用信用卡,信用额不要太高,用中文,英文签名,经常看看自己的消费纪录,这样很难被骗。
岁月静好!回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READ今天打给rbc要求设置网上银行的Identification word,对方尽然要求我给卡后面的3个数字来验证卡是否在我手上。当时就傻了,这说明银行有时候是会要求你提供3位数字来证明你是否持卡的。但是这里又说What the scammers want is the 3-digit PIN number on the back of the card. Don't give it to them.到底该咋办阿?总结一点,就是对方打过来的不要给。自己主动打给银行的,可以给
回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READ这种交易信用卡公司能承认?能记入对帐单?点击展开...承认. 建议经常查看一下信用交易记录(网上查, 非常方便), 有问题立即打电话给信用卡公司. 小额费用信用卡公司一般立即给修正, 数额大的, 需要核实, 但免利息.
回复: VISA Fraud - PLEASE READ谢谢。另外,尽量少用debit卡,非常的不安全。debit卡只限于银行内的atm取现。其他情况尽可能用信用卡,或支票。
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