找工作经历;与房东的诉讼经验;带狗狗移民全攻略等。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]新版面“宠物之家”欢迎各位宠友及热爱动物的同学报道!分享家有爱宠的酸甜苦辣,感受人与动物之间的和谐默契!神犬汤圆的幸福移民生活回复: 想邀请一个在德国留学的朋友过来玩,可能性大么?如何办理?加声望!因为你同学是在德国,我觉得申请旅游签证(visitor,Temporary Resident Visa)应该能给。To visit Canada, you must: * have a valid travel document, such as a passport * be in good health * satisfy an immigration officer that you have ties, such as a job, home and family, that will take you back to your country of origin * satisfy an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your visit and * have enough money for your stay. The amount of money you will need can vary with the circumstances of the visit, how long you will stay and whether you will stay in a hotel or with friends or relatives. For more information, ask the Canadian visa office in your country or region.
回复: 想邀请一个在德国留学的朋友过来玩,可能性大么?如何办理?加声望!因为你同学是在德国,我觉得申请旅游签证(visitor,Temporary Resident Visa)应该能给。 To visit Canada, you must: * have a valid travel document, such as a passport* be in good health* satisfy an immigration officer that you have ties, such as a job, home and family, that will take you back to your country of origin* satisfy an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your visit and* have enough money for your stay. The amount of money you will need can vary with the circumstances of the visit, how long you will stay and whether you will stay in a hotel or with friends or relatives. For more information, ask the Canadian visa office in your country or region.点击展开...多谢解答,但是他虽然在德国,还是拿的中国护照,加拿大不是没开放对中国旅游么,所以我有点担心。还有,如果我们给他写邀请函是不是有帮助呢,还需不需要做担保什么的?谢谢,加声望了。
找工作经历;与房东的诉讼经验;带狗狗移民全攻略等。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]新版面“宠物之家”欢迎各位宠友及热爱动物的同学报道!分享家有爱宠的酸甜苦辣,感受人与动物之间的和谐默契!神犬汤圆的幸福移民生活回复: 想邀请一个在德国留学的朋友过来玩,可能性大么?如何办理?加声望!看到有声望就进来了.是中国护照的话, 最好是让一家公司发邀请信(公务考察之类的). 并不一定要大公司邀请. 无须担保.
回复: 想邀请一个在德国留学的朋友过来玩,可能性大么?如何办理?加声望!看到有声望就进来了.是中国护照的话, 最好是让一家公司发邀请信(公务考察之类的). 并不一定要大公司邀请. 无须担保.点击展开...他一个刚毕业的学生,谁邀请他考察啊,我怕签证官不信啊。谢谢,给北京老乡加声望。呵呵
找工作经历;与房东的诉讼经验;带狗狗移民全攻略等。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]新版面“宠物之家”欢迎各位宠友及热爱动物的同学报道!分享家有爱宠的酸甜苦辣,感受人与动物之间的和谐默契!神犬汤圆的幸福移民生活他一个刚毕业的学生,谁邀请他考察啊,我怕签证官不信啊。谢谢,给北京老乡加声望。呵呵点击展开...哈哈! 那更有说法了, JOB INTERVIEW呀. 费用的支付上写得清楚些, 是邀请方支付还是被邀请方支付: FLIGHT, ACCOMMODATION, ETC.
回复: 想邀请一个在德国留学的朋友过来玩,可能性大么?如何办理?加声望!他一个刚毕业的学生,谁邀请他考察啊,我怕签证官不信啊。谢谢,给北京老乡加声望。呵呵点击展开...I have a friend who is holding a Chinese passport and living in south of China now. She just visited U.S. last month with visitor visa. but to apply for visitor visa, she was required to have a business invitation for a credited company. she is a fresh graduate as well. I hope this information will be helpful. In order to find a right answer, you may wish to go to immigration of Canada's website to figure out.
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3,863 $0.00 回复: 想邀请一个在德国留学的朋友过来玩,可能性大么?如何办理?加声望!谢谢楼上各位,都加声望了。继续送分中…… ·新西兰新闻 “对中国没有信心!”NZ邻国爆发抗议,“既要又要”!新西兰
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