加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息为什么人人讨厌GM?Why Everyone Hates GM
通用何故招人恨By Evan Newmark可怜哪,通用汽车(General Motors)的那一百万股东。现在,通用股价已经跌到每股不足3美元,差不多等于化为乌有。而且这家公司也没能培养出一位知道如何恰当地向华盛顿乞求救助的CEO。通用老板瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)在参议院银行委员会所作的证词听上去不仅傲慢而且处处辩解。在瓦格纳的王国里,在这场讨厌的衰退到来之前,通用汽车的一切都很顺利。当然,如果瓦格纳表现得不像个妄想狂,那还真有点奇怪呢。毕竟,他从1977年起就加入通用了。不过说实话,底特律汽车三巨头周二的听证实际上可能无关紧要。因为听证会之前,针对汽车业的250亿美元紧急救助计划已经无疾而终。共和党人可能会阻止该计划,而且布什也会否决它。但有趣的是,三巨头提出的申请TARP的理由实在太过牵强,搞得现在就连一些民主党人或许都觉得,破产是三巨头唯一明智的归宿。理由到底有多牵强?每个纳税人都应该看看周二的参议院听证会实况,然后作出自己的决定。听证会长达4个小时,不过很吸引人。简直每个片断都扣人心弦。通用的瓦格纳、福特(Ford)的穆拉利(Alan Mulally)、克莱斯勒(Chrysler)的纳尔德里(Bob Nardelli)以及全美汽车工人联合会(UAW)的头头格蒂芬格(Ron Gettelfinger)在听证会上老调重弹。照他们的说法,汽车业有成百上千万个岗位朝不保夕。美国制造业的未来危如累卵。而所有这一切很显然都是因为陷入信贷危机的美国人现在没法贷款买车──他们本来也不该用贷款买车。实际上,美国汽车市场几十年来就存在市场份额下降、产能严重过剩的现象,当然,这一事实不是他们“需要”的。只有在瓦格纳的世界里,汽车业这几十年才实现了“巨大进步”。如果你时间有限,可以直接跳到听证会的第三个小时,在那一段里,民主党参议员曼南德兹(Bob Menendez)揭露汽车业救助计划是一个“弥天大谎”。250亿美元的数字简直是梦话。它只能堵堵漏洞,暂时维持几个月。曼南德兹的话很直率。之后,三巨头又会回来毕恭毕敬地伸手要钱。曼南德兹的语气听起来还很有同情心。下一位就不然了。共和党的考克(Bob Corker)是一位严肃的生意人,属于严酷无情那一类的。“通用正在螺旋式下滑”,克莱斯勒“几乎心脏都跳不动了”,“三巨头谁该生存下去?谁又不该?”考克大胆挑明了每个人都知道但没人愿意说出来的东西。整个美国汽车业已经破产。应该有一家或两家公司退出舞台。对它们根据轻重缓急和现有能力决定救谁不救谁是不可避免的。这是商业社会的法则。考克提出的富有创意的解决办法是让处于“公正立场”的格蒂芬格来确定他们存活的先后顺序(三家公司都曾被他的那个工会敲过竹杠)。格蒂芬格的回答是:福特,然后是克莱斯勒,最后是通用。几分钟后,瓦格纳之前表现出的彷佛政客般的泰然自若终于瓦解。他开始脸色变红,声调升高。明显可以看出通用已经变得多么绝望。克莱斯勒老板纳尔德里和福特掌门穆拉利至少知道怎样适当地谦卑点。当然,他们不像瓦格纳这个“老底特律”有感情负担。纳尔德里进入克莱斯勒只有一年多时间。他知道克莱斯勒时日无多,因此看上去就像一个随时准备离开的人。每次轮到他发言的时候,他就提醒议员们注意克莱斯勒的“脆弱”现状。奇怪的是,这位在家得宝(Home Depot)遭遇困难之际仍从中获得数亿美元的前首席执行长仍能博得同情。其推销技巧实在高明。他应该去为克莱斯勒卖车。至于穆拉利,他一再声明说,其实福特甚至无需来这里要钱。是坐在桌子那头的麻烦的窝囊废瓦格纳拉他来的。“我是因为通用才来这里的,”穆拉雷带着朴素的兄弟般的情谊说道。当然,这并不是真心话。穆拉利也承认,如果到2010年之前美国经济不能好转,就连福特手里的钱也会花个底朝天。他还没提到福特股票当天的收盘价已不到两美元。对三巨头来说,幸运的是,到明年初新总统和新一届国会宣誓就任后,汽车业救助计划将迎来新机遇。穆拉利和纳尔德里将有几个月的时间来好好表现一下自己。瓦格纳或许就没这么幸运了。董事会可以容忍公司没有盈利,但可能无法忍受他从华盛顿空手而归。如果他是通用的最佳销售员,那难怪这家公司卖不动车了。
回复: 为什么人人讨厌GM?Why Everyone Hates GMWhy Everyone Hates GMPity the poor one million General Motors shareholders. GM shares now trade at less than three bucks they’re almost certainly worth zero. And the company can’t even produce a CEO who knows how to properly beg for Washington bailout money.The testimony of GM boss Rick Wagoner before the Senate banking committee came across as defensive and arrogant. In the Wagoner-ian universe, everything was just fine at GM before this nasty recession came along.Of course, it would be a small miracle if Wagoner wasn’t delusional. He’s been at GM since 1977.But in truth, yesterday’s testimony from the Big Three CEOs probably didn’t much matter. The $25 billion emergency bailout for Detroit was dead on arrival even before the hearing. The Republicans can block it and Bush would veto it.But interestingly, the case made by the Big Three to tap the TARP was so weak, that even some Democrats may now be thinking that bankruptcy is the only sensible endgame for Motown. How weak was it? Well, every taxpayer should watch the Senate testimony from yesterday and decide for himself. You can watch it on www.cspan.org. It’s four hours long, but actually pretty riveting. Okay, parts of it are riveting. Wagoner, Ford’s Alan Mulally, Chrysler’s Bob Nardelli and United Autoworkers honcho Ron Gettelfinger rehash their well-rehearsed arguments. As they put it, millions and millions of jobs are on the line. The future of American manufacturing is at stake. All apparently because Americans with lousy credit who shouldn’t buy on credit can’t buy on credit. There are the inconvenient facts of decades of declining Big Three market share and grotesque overcapacity. Only in the World of Wagoner could the industry be making “tremendous progress.”If pressed for time, skip to the hearing’s third hour when Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez uncovers the “big lie” of a Detroit bailout. The $25 billion number is a fudge. It would only plug the hole for a few months. Mendendez was blunt. Detroit will soon be back hat in hand.And Menendez is a sympathetic voice. Ouch. Next comes, Bob Corker, Republican from Tennessee and a no nonsense businessman. He is brutal. “GM is spiraling downward.” Chrysler has “barely a heartbeat.” “Which of the three should survive and which shouldn’t?”Corker dares to point out what everybody knows but nobody will say. The entire American car industry is already bankrupt. One and maybe two companies will have to go. Industrial triage is inevitable. That’s the way business works.Corker’s brilliant maneuver is to have the “impartial” Gettelfinger whose UAW has fleeced all three rank them by viability. Gettelfinger’s answer: Ford, then Chrysler, then last, GM.Minutes later, Wagoner’s detached statesmanlike composure finally gives way. His face grows red. His voice rises. It’s clear just how desperate GM has become. Chrysler CEO Bob Nardelli and Ford boss Alan Mullaly at least know how to grovel properly. Of course, they don’t carry the emotional baggage of a longtime Motowner like Wagoner.Nardelli has been at Chrysler for just over a year. He knows Chrysler’s days are numbered and looks like a man who just wants out. Every time he has the floor, he reminds lawmakers of Chrysler’s “fragile” position. Oddly, for someone who took home hundreds of millions in a disastrous stint as Home Depot’s CEO, Nardelli can still elicit sympathy. That’s good salesmanship. He should be on a Chrysler lot.As for Mullally, he makes it clear numerous times that Ford doesn’t even have to be in Washington asking for money. It’s the troubled, ne’er -do-well Rick Wagoner at the end of the table that’s bringing him there. “I’m here because GM is here,” Mullaly intones with aw-shucks brotherly love. That, of course, is disingenuous. Mulally concedes that by 2010, without an upturn in the U.S. economy, even Ford will run out of money. Nor does he mention that Ford’s share price closed the day at less than two bucks. Luckily for the Big Three, the Detroit bailout will be resurrected early next year when a new Congress and Barack Obama are sworn in.Mulally and Nardelli will have a few months to brush up on their performances. Wagoner may not be as lucky. His board can put up with a failure to turn a profit, but it probably won’t stand for his failure to bring money back from Washington. If this is GM’s best salesman, no wonder the company can’t move cars.
回复: 为什么人人讨厌GM?Why Everyone Hates GM听说这三个家伙分别乘坐自家专机飞去华盛顿向国会要钱, 呵呵,就算给钱,也把当派遣费发给员工好了, 别给这三个白痴, 把企业做成这样还理直气壮!
回复: 为什么人人讨厌GM?Why Everyone Hates GMHAHA, 最不可思异的是, 居然乘PRIVATE JET到WASHIONTO要钱, 都破产边缘了, 这CEO够蠢!
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