加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息一月二十一日是什么节日吗?为什么美领馆闭馆
想申请一日二十二号后至二月初的美签,一看,美领馆一月二十一日闭馆。 那么,在这之后呢?不会一直放假吧?因为要一月二十号才来,二月初又走,一月份是不是只有从12至16号才办理? 怎么办呢?上火啊。 哪位知道的?谢谢。
回复: 一月二十一日是什么节日吗?为什么美领馆闭馆啊,之后呢?Inauguration Day: January 20 of each fourth year after 1965, Inauguration Day, is a legal holiday for Federal employees and individuals employed by the government of the District of Columbia employed in the District of Columbia, Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties in Maryland, Arlington and Fairfax Counties in Virginia and the cities of Alexandria and Falls Church in Virginia. When January 20 of any fourth year after 1965 falls on Sunday, the next succeeding day selected for the public observance of the inauguration of the President is a legal public holiday. [Please note: If Inauguration day falls on Martin Luther King's Birthday, I believe the Federal employees mentioned above only get one day off (the Monday) and not two days off. The OPM has clarified to me that "In-Lieu of Holidays" rules do NOT apply to Inauguration Day since the purpose of the day off is to ease traffic congestion and make logistics easier for dignitaries, and to encourage Federal Employees to welcome the new President at the parade, etc.]
回复: 一月二十一日是什么节日吗?为什么美领馆闭馆啊,之后呢?谢谢您。我只是想请问一下,是不是一月份只签12至16号,以及20号。因为从那以后的预约就是一片空白。而二月份是何时才能约呢?谢谢。
回复: 一月二十一日是什么节日吗?为什么美领馆闭馆啊,之后呢?还有,预约后能改时间吗?
回复: 一月二十一日是什么节日吗?为什么美领馆闭馆啊,之后呢?谢谢您。我只是想请问一下,是不是一月份只签12至16号,以及20号。因为从那以后的预约就是一片空白。而二月份是何时才能约呢?谢谢。点击展开...一般是提前6-8周预约,你过1-2周看看就行了.
赏 还有,预约后能改时间吗?点击展开...可以改时间,要收费的.
赏 一般是提前6-8周预约,你过1-2周看看就行了.点击展开... 哦。明白了。谢谢! 还有,你的猫猫很可爱,很象我家的那两只。
回复: 一月二十一日是什么节日吗?为什么美领馆闭馆啊,之后呢?日子还没有放出来吧,过一两个星期再上网看一看。
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