加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教啊:刚从save-on-food买了boneless chuck simmerring



http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=193516回复: 请教啊:刚从save-on-food买了boneless chuck simmerring stew, 该怎么烹调才好吃呢?谢!真开心,在网上查到这个具体流程,准备去购买其他相关配料。大家有更简单的做法,请赐教。谢!INGREDIENTS8 slices of bacon 2 1/2 pounds boneless beef chuck, cut into 1-inch cubes salt & pepper, to taste 1 large onion, chopped 3 leeks, chopped and well rinsed (use the white part and an inch or two of the green) 6 carrots, peeled and cut into 1 1/2 inch julienne 2 turnips, peeled and cut into pieces 2 teaspoons of sugar 2 1/2 cups of homemade beef stock 2 1/2 cups of red wine (preferable Burgundy, but drinkable) 2 tablespoons of tomato paste 2 tablespoons of butter 2 tablespoons of red currant jelly 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, chopped 2 cups of pearl onions, red or white 8 ounces of mushrooms, sliced (wild mushrooms if available) 8 -10 red new potatoes, quartered 6 cloves of garlic, minced 1/2 of fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped Prep WorkLot's of prep work so get busy and do it before you even think of starting this recipe. The more you prep before starting the actual cooking, the easier everything else goes. Nothing is worse than starting a recipe and having to stop everything to peel and chop an onion. Start by cutting the beef chuck into 1-inch cubes. Next chop the onions. The leeks must be well rinced before using so you can wash them first and then chop or chop and wash. Makes no difference except you want to be sure to get rid of all and any of the sand that is common with leeks. When chopping, use all of the white part and about an inch or two of the green.Peel the carrots and cut them into 1 1/2 inch julienne. Peel the turnips and cut into pieces. Have your beef stock and wine ready to go. Finely chop the fresh rosemary and parsley. The pearl onions will need to be peeled. It's a pain in the but job but someone has to do it. Prepare the pearl onions by boiling them for 5 minutes, rinse, drain, and peel. Reserve them with the rest of the vegetables.Slice your mushrooms, quarter the potatoes and finish by mincing the garlic. HOW TO MAKE AT HOME1.Cook the bacon in a large sauté pan until the fat is rendered. 2.Remove the crisp bacon and transfer it to a large heavy-bottomed pot with a tight fitting lid. (approximately 5-6 quarts) Sauté the beef in the same pan until all sides are browned. Don't crowd the beef or it will steam and not brown properly, so cook it in batches if necessary. Season with a little salt and pepper. When finished, transfer to your large cooking pot. 3Add the onions, leeks, carrots, and turnips to the sauté pan, add sugar and cook over medium high heat for approximately 8 minutes. Remove the vegetables and reserve in a large bowl. 4.Add the butter to the sauté pan and sauté the mushrooms over medium high heat for approximately 10 minutes. Transfer to the reserved vegetables. 5.Add the wine to deglaze the sauté pan, then the beef stock, and then whisk in red currant jam, tomato paste and rosemary. Cook for a couple of minutes and add to the pot with the meat and bacon. 6.Add the potatoes and garlic to the meat, bacon, and cooking liquid. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer for 45 minutes. 7.Add the reserved vegetables, half the chopped parsley and continue cooking until the meat is tender. (approximately 30-45 minutes) 8.Serve using the remaining parsley for garnish. This is great with some French bread and a bottle of Burgundy wine especially on one of these cold nights.

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=193516回复: 请教啊:刚从save-on-food买了boneless chuck simmerring stew, 该怎么烹调才好吃呢?谢!看着上面的做法,好复杂的样子。LZ做完了给我们大家汇报一下情况啊,一定很美味的。

人生梦想: 看遍天下美景, 尝遍人间佳肴http://blog.sina.com.cn/jinghuiyu回复: 请教啊:刚从save-on-food买了boneless chuck simmerring stew, 该怎么烹调才好吃呢?谢!等LZ的简化家庭版...

回复: 请教啊:刚从save-on-food买了boneless chuck simmerring stew, 该怎么烹调才好吃呢?谢!晕了.

回复: 请教啊:刚从save-on-food买了boneless chuck simmerring stew, 该怎么烹调才好吃呢?谢!完全遵照所有程序,结果是:失败。其他蔬菜还挺入味的,beef stew炖得有点老了,味道还不是很入肉里。一大盘只被消化1/3。需时1。5小时呢。结论是:forget it.不要买stew.也有可能是我笨。不好意思了。

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