加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。


Kwantlen Learning Centre in Richmond Campus的头头,John,一个非常非常可爱、健谈、阅历丰富的老头儿,Royal Military College毕业的,三天两头跟我推荐RMC。。。前天跟我说,RMC是世界上最好的军校,RMC的engineering全加拿大第一,RMC毕业之后做军官福利很好,服役5年之后如果退伍,也很容易找工作。。。昨天给我拿了一本RMC的学校招生简章。。。今天又给我一个RMC和加拿大军队的DVD。。。 再次向大家询问,RMC在加拿大群众中reputation好么?毕竟,军队化的管理,小班授课(教授学生比小到4:1),free education(以five years working contrast换来),强制体育锻炼(天天蹲图书馆,每天运动量最大的就是上三楼下三楼)和强制French as Second Language的Program是挺吸引人的~上学期间居然要发工资(而且税率比一般人要低)。。。牙医费也会免掉、包吃包住、穿的用的全部免费。。。

辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List回复: 我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。哒嘀哒,哒嘀哒,哒嘀嘀哒哒去吧,再当个号手多神气啊。

严厉禁止任何形式的粗口和人身攻击回复: 我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。好像挺好的

回复: 我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。是挺吸引人地!

回复: 我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。no way, don't join the army, think about the war in Afghanistan ?Many Canadian objected it. It's a shame for Canada!

岁月静好!回复: 我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。入学条件是什么?

移温轶事:http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=86181与北极光共舞:http://www.crossna.com/forum/topic10928.html烈日炎炎走大圈: http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=357548回复: 我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。I think it is good.

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=193516入学条件是什么?点击展开...Canadian Citizen... High School graduated... 16 yrs old

辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds Listno way, don't join the army, think about the war in Afghanistan ?Many Canadian objected it. It's a shame for Canada!点击展开...oh, people's objection doesn't mean this army is a garbage...I just need an effective training program...who cares about the political view~ at least I don't care~

辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List回复: 我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。actually, if there's no war, the world will be messed up, human will become degenerate... that's not what I want...

辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List回复: 我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。小心被Gay变态

回复: 我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。小心被Gay变态点击展开...这倒不怕。。。问题是能不能真正学到东西~

辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List这倒不怕。。。问题是能不能真正学到东西~点击展开...ok, sure,go ahead, you will learn the whole bloody world! I think you can consult Michi, her boy friend is commanding the soliders in the Afghansitan now!

岁月静好!oh, people's objection doesn't mean this army is a garbage...I just need an effective training program...who cares about the political view~ at least I don't care~点击展开...Really feel sorry for you! Solider is the skilled killer(no matter how great the politician describe it), you need to know what you are fighting for, if not, you will feel sleepless at night!

岁月静好!ok, sure,go ahead, you will learn the whole bloody world! I think you can consult Michi, her boy friend is commanding the soliders in the Afghansitan now!点击展开...everyone has to know it...just like a member of a gang called "Blood Brotherhood" in California said: it's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it~

辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds Listeveryone has to know it...just like a member of a gang called "Blood Brotherhood" in California said: it's better to have a gun and not need it, than need a gun and not have it~点击展开...Sure, the only result is the weapon producer makes big profit,and people learn to kill each other until they find they have meaningless life even if they win for a while. If you really care about life, or people you loved, be a doctor or a nurse, even a police, protect the people in your country, in your city, or in your neighbourhood, instead of going to other people's homeland, killing the people loved by their family!

岁月静好!Sure, the only result is the weapon producer makes big profit,and people learn to kill each other until they find they have meaningless life even if they win for a while. If you really care about life, or people you loved, be a doctor or a nurse, even a police, protect the people in your country, in your city, or in your neighbourhood, instead of going to other people's homeland, killing the people loved by their family!点击展开...yeah, maybe you're right...I just wanna have another way to get myself loaded, or,diagonaled...

辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List回复: 我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。去吧,,,你还会吹个号没准让你吹集结号或者冲锋号呢

回复: 我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。枫叶旗的设计者就是RMC的.

回复: 我的头头疯狂地想让我去上军校。。。外加一句,,那学校在哪

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