加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)
既来之,则安之! 赏 反馈:sunshinelianyi 2008-12-13#2 858 $0.00 回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)Essential documents1. a Canadian immigrant visa and Confirmation of Permanent Residence for each family member travelling with you;2. a valid passport or other travel document for each family member travelling with you;3. two copies of a detailed list of all the personal or household items you are bringing with you; andtwo copies of a list of items that are arriving later. The lists should state how much your personal and household items are worth.4. You must also bring with you enough money to cover living expenses such as rent, food, clothing and transportation for a six-month period. You may be asked to show proof of your funds.Do not pack your documents in a suitcase. You will need to have them available to show to immigration and customs officials.
既来之,则安之!回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)如果是长登的还需要:Important documents1. birth certificates; 2. marriage certificates; 3. school records, diplomas or degrees for each family member travelling with you; 4. trade or professional certificates and licences; 5. letters of reference from former employers; 6. a list of your educational and professional qualifications and job experience (this is also called a résumé); 7. immunization, vaccination, dental and other health records for each family member; 8. driver’s licence, including an International Driver’s Permit; 9. photocopies of all essential and important documents, in case the originals get lost (be sure to keep the photocopies in a separate place from the originals); 10. car registration documents (if you are importing a motor vehicle into Canada).
既来之,则安之! 赏 反馈:wyw109 2008-12-14#4 3,062 $0.00 回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)Working hard.
温哥华奶爸回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)学习学习
PERSON OF INTERST回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)The Day Arrive in Canada 第一关:Customs You will be interviewed by a Canada Customs officer. You will need to give the officer a list of all the household and personal items that you will be bringing into Canada. You should also show the immigrant visa to the customs officer, who will refer you to an immigration officer. 第二关:Immigration The immigration officer will check your visa and travel documents and ask you questions similar to those on the Immigrant Application Form, to verify that you are of good character and in good health. At this time, you may also be asked to show proof of your funds. If there are no difficulties, the officer will authorize your entry to Canada as a permanent resident by signing your Record of Landing or Confirmation of Permanent Residence.
既来之,则安之! 赏 反馈:Aim 2008-12-14#8 C 40 $0.00 回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)宝贝真可爱!
回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)好,留名。加分鼓励哦。
新生活开始! 赏 反馈:贝贝娘 2008-12-14#10 2,536 $0.00 回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)经济危机不要去了!
回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)到处在打折扣啊,又是圣诞节,短登来的正是时候哈!
岁月静好!Essential documents3. two copies of a detailed list of all the personal or household items you are bringing with you; andtwo copies of a list of items that are arriving later. The lists should state how much your personal and household items are worth.点击展开...晕, 我马上要短登了, 却还没准备这个呢. 感觉就跟平常旅游一样, 带的只是一个旅行箱而已, 也要LIST吗? 借宝地问一声
中央集权,地方民主,香港模式,中国希望中央集权,省市民主,港澳模式,中国希望维护中央集权以强化外交国防大工业推行省市民主以抑制贪污腐败小衙门不完全同意你这句话。 1、中国也有经济危机的影响,两边同样的。2、经济危机了,物价更便宜。所以,来不来,要综合考虑,不单单是经济危机的问题。点击展开... 但现在中国还没怎么受影响。我感觉可以短登。毕竟经济危机来了工作会更不好找!!等中国受影响了再去。前提是时间上没问题!!
回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)不知道过来人有没有用到过出生证和结婚证的。
回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)[/list]晕, 我马上要短登了, 却还没准备这个呢. 感觉就跟平常旅游一样, 带的只是一个旅行箱而已, 也要LIST吗? 借宝地问一声点击展开...如果你准备以后把家里的家具,钢琴,沙发,床等等都海运过来,就带个list, 如果没这个打算,就不必了。第一次登陆没有价格限制,不必上税,所以有些人带个list给海关盖章, 把家里能搬得都搬来,嘻嘻。 你的旅行箱应该没问题,不需要list。
岁月静好!回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)哈,学究气息很浓的准备工作。
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗? 赏 反馈:弄花香满衫 2008-12-15#18 W 669 $0.00 回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)很喜欢,很喜欢LZ的视角,加分分啦。LZ继续哈。我也在做准备,是准备直接长登拉,1月份。
回复: 短登功课(准备认真完成,同时供他人借鉴)你知道sofa是什么意思吗?
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