加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息二手买卖 - 温哥华周五PARTY,欢迎影视爱好者和英
Hello friends, We're going to throw a party next Friday (Dec. 19, 2008) afternoon from 4:00PM to to celebrate the launch of the new Excel Acting Program. The party is free of charge. You may bring your friends who would love to pursue acting as a career or who simply hope to enhance their spoken English through intensive acting training with top professionals from the industry. Three VIP guest speakers will give their wonderful presentations. They are a Vancouver-based film director and producer, and former Vancouver Film School acting instructor, a handsome young man who has been the Assistant Director of a number of Hollywood horror movies as well as an acting instructor, and a beautiful young woman who is also one of the top ten fashion models in Canada. They all have outstanding credentials and are passionate to meet all of you, including our new students already registered in the program. Please come by 3:30PM on Friday, December 19, 2008. The address is-- 405 470 Granville Streetat Granville and West Pender, in the famous vintage Rogers Building Hotline: 604-688-9919 ################################################# 朋友们,大家好! 下周五(12月19日)下午4时正,我们将召开派对,以庆祝EXCEL表演工作室的成立。 该派对免费参加。您可以把朋友带来,他们可以是希望谋求演艺职业的文艺爱好者,也可以是希望通过集中的英文表演训练来迅速提高英语口语水平的英语学习者。 我们的VIP演讲嘉宾将会进行精彩演示。他们是:温哥华本地著名的电影导演、制片人、温哥华电影学院退休表演教授;好莱坞数部恐怖片的副导演、表演训练教师、加拿大帅哥斯蒂文;风度翩翩、举止优雅的苏格兰后裔、黑发美女、形体训练专家、加拿大十大时装名模之一克里斯多。 他们都具有显赫的业界资历,而且对于见到来自东方国度的你们(包括已注册的学生)充满了激情。 请于12月19日周五下午3:30准时到场。地址为: 405 470 Granville Streetat Granville and West Pender, in the famous vintage Rogers Building 中文预约热线:604-688-9919 ################################################ 已经注册的学生将参加以上专家率领的EXCEL表演工作室的集训,时间从4周到12周不等。集训包括室内训练和参观温哥华本地好莱坞片场并有机会参与电影试镜。 没有注册的,如果仅仅有兴趣结交朋友,尤其是北美本地影视界的精英人士,欢迎免费参加派对。
回复: 温哥华周五PARTY,欢迎影视爱好者和英文爱好者
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