去年登陆后回国一直到现在,地址留的是朋友家。朋友今天传来了jury selection的JUROR SUMMONS扫描件,要求在收到信后5天内将回执发回去或打电话。我还不是公民,我能当陪审员吗?本人英语不好,打电话肯定是讲不明白。请了解这方面的DX指条明路,马上又元旦了,只有2天时间了,拜托!!!
入籍进程:Feb 14, 2014 Markham寄出申请,Feb 17, 2014收到,June 12 IP, Dec 23 Test,Feb 11, 2015 Oath!回复: 求助:人在国内,收到JUROR SUMMONS,咋办?没人知道吗?惨了!!!
入籍进程:Feb 14, 2014 Markham寄出申请,Feb 17, 2014收到,June 12 IP, Dec 23 Test,Feb 11, 2015 Oath!回复: 求助:人在国内,收到JUROR SUMMONS,咋办?大家都睡觉呢。。。帮忙顶起。。。

回复: 求助:人在国内,收到JUROR SUMMONS,咋办?也许案子与华人有关所以需要找一定比例的华人陪审员.
Carpe Diem 回复: 求助:人在国内,收到JUROR SUMMONS,咋办?you don't have to be a citizen to get jury summons. You can use language barrier as a way to deny the duty. you better phone them directly, and just say you received a jury summons, and because of the language barrier, you don't think you can perform the duty well enough and request to be excused from the jury selection
回复: 求助:人在国内,收到JUROR SUMMONS,咋办?不懂,帮忙顶。
回复: 求助:人在国内,收到JUROR SUMMONS,咋办?you don't have to be a citizen to get jury summons. You can use language barrier as a way to deny the duty. you better phone them directly, and just say you received a jury summons, and because of the language barrier, you don't think you can perform the duty well enough and request to be excused from the jury selection点击展开...谢了!已经解决了!
入籍进程:Feb 14, 2014 Markham寄出申请,Feb 17, 2014收到,June 12 IP, Dec 23 Test,Feb 11, 2015 Oath!谢了!已经解决了!点击展开...说说如何解决的?
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