加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于多伦多驾照转到温哥华的若干疑问.....
一多伦多朋友准备搬迁到温哥华,请问: 1.他的驾驶执照是否直接可以换领BC本地执照,有什么手续需要办理? 2.BC省执照到期换领的期限是如何规定的,比如到期前后最少多少个月可以换领? 谢谢.....
回复: 关于多伦多驾照转到温哥华的若干疑问.....(1)应该是:G2换7号牌,G换5号牌。G牌年头不够长,如果有国内驾照,可能会要求翻译国内驾照。我换5号牌时,测了视力,很简单的做了几道交通信号灯的题。然后交钱,照相,签名,OK。(2)等专业人士来回答吧。昨天陪女儿去考笔试,拿到一张名片,打电话问吧:ICBC 中文咨询热线:604-982-6612 (24小时)
简单生活,简单快乐.回复: 关于多伦多驾照转到温哥华的若干疑问.....直接去ICBC就可以办理,很方便。
回复: 关于多伦多驾照转到温哥华的若干疑问.....(1)应该是:G2换7号牌,G换5号牌。G牌年头不够长,如果有国内驾照,可能会要求翻译国内驾照。我换5号牌时,测了视力,很简单的做了几道交通信号灯的题。然后交钱,照相,签名,OK。 (2)等专业人士来回答吧。 昨天陪女儿去考笔试,拿到一张名片,打电话问吧: ICBC 中文咨询热线:604-982-6612 (24小时)点击展开...谢谢了....... 朋友应该是G牌,在多十几年了......有时候电话问的结果和实际总有些小出入,所以他想看看实际操作过的人的经验. 除了驾照,是否还需要提供些其他证明文件?比如居住证明之类的?
回复: 关于多伦多驾照转到温哥华的若干疑问.....直接去ICBC就可以办理,很方便。点击展开...不需要什么特别材料吗?
回复: 关于多伦多驾照转到温哥华的若干疑问.....不需要,只要带上原来的多伦多的驾照就可以了,要做个小测试,很容易的,我是过2年的G2,也换了BC的5级驾照。
回复: 关于多伦多驾照转到温哥华的若干疑问.....不需要,只要带上原来的多伦多的驾照就可以了,要做个小测试,很容易的,我是过2年的G2,也换了BC的5级驾照。点击展开...谢谢了,,,,朋友是个老人家,测试前要不要温习一下交通法规?测试有中文可以选择吗?
回复: 关于多伦多驾照转到温哥华的若干疑问.....British Columbia has driver licence exchange agreements with these jurisdictions. You may exchange your other licence for an equivalent class B.C. driver's licence (please note that this requires you to surrender your other licence upon application). In most cases, you will not need to take a road test if you hold: a Canadian or American passenger car or motorcycle operator's licence, or an Austrian, German or Swiss Category B or German Class 3 driver's licence for passenger cars, or a Japanese Ordinary driver's licence or a South Korean Class 2 Ordinary driver's licence for passenger cars, or a Canadian licence equivalent to a B.C. Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 (commercial) licence and your licence is valid or expired less than 3 years agohttp://www.icbc.com/licensing/lic_renew_replace_new.asp
------------------------------------------------http://www.beaware.gc.ca/english/toce.shtmlhttp://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.htmlhttp://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/toce.shtmlBritish Columbia has driver licence exchange agreements with these jurisdictions. You may exchange your other licence for an equivalent class B.C. driver's licence (please note that this requires you to surrender your other licence upon application). In most cases, you will not need to take a road test if you hold: a Canadian or American passenger car or motorcycle operator's licence, or an Austrian, German or Swiss Category B or German Class 3 driver's licence for passenger cars, or a Japanese Ordinary driver's licence or a South Korean Class 2 Ordinary driver's licence for passenger cars, or a Canadian licence equivalent to a B.C. Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 (commercial) licence and your licence is valid or expired less than 3 years agohttp://www.icbc.com/licensing/lic_renew_replace_new.asp点击展开...谢谢八戒师傅...这么简单啊. 不过,还是看看那小测试有多简单呢?
回复: 关于多伦多驾照转到温哥华的若干疑问.....不考交规的,不用做任何准备,只是查查眼睛还有回答一两个问题而已,对一个老司机,就是一个新手,也一点难度都没有,看,我都能过的。
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