加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008


The pace of time always marches faster than our assumption. While I am still trying to let myself adapt the new life in Vancouver, the countdown of the New Year has launched. 2008 is definitely a special year for me, for my family. It’s significant milestone in my life. In March, 2008, I made a farewell to my old life style and began the voyage to an overall strange country -- Canada. At that moment, no one told me what would happen in the future. However, in my deep mind, I knew I needed somewhat change for my career and decided to accept the challenge to find the answer for my life riddle through myself effort even if it sounded like an adventure. At the end day of 2008, I review the experience of the latest nine months in Canada. I feel satisfied with what I have done. I learned quite a lot of new stuff, some surviving skills, my programming level get boosting. 2008 is destined to be remembered by Chinese history. There are many momentous events happened in this year. At the Spring Festival of 2008, the Southern China experienced the most horrible snowstorm of the latest 50 years. Peoples had to suffer not only the chilly weather but also the homesick cause the snow disaster cut off the way going home. While the Southern snow had melted down to the river, some violent events happened in turn in Xinjiang and Tibet. Some innocent civilians were killed at the violent attacking. According to the oncoming Beijing Olympic Games, the riots were absolutely on some political purpose. People started to worry about the Olympic stadiums’ security system. When people had not wakened up from the panic, a huge nightmare came. About 70,000 dead and over 370,000 wounded, an extreme drastic earthquake happening in Sichan shocked the whole world. I had never fallen so many tears for my country. How many pains would China have to suffer! Fortunately, the Beijing Olympic Games was opened on time. Aug 18, 2008 is a day worthy to be remembered by every Chinese. Chinese directed the most gorgeous opening ceremony in the Olympic history. Surely, it was the most expensive one. China was eager to show the whole world its amazing development of the recent years. At the end of 2008, following the world-scale economic recession, Chinese developing economy began to drop down. Chinese stock market dramatically declined to one-third of its peak value. It’s another great shock for many Chinese. Whatever, the year full of tragedies and comedies has passed; the history will step into a new stage. At the very beginning of 2009, I bless everyone will enjoy the wonderful age.

回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008happy new year!

回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008英语学得很好,总结得不错。怕你把汉语忘了,我说两句汉语让你复习一下。“祝新年快乐,万事如意!”

----------------------------生命在于折腾!回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008好兄弟的贴要顶啊,新年快乐!

混在大温BC, Bring Cash!QE to the infinity!回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008想问问你原来是什么英文底子呀?在哪里学了半年呀?真是写的很不错呢!!!

回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008向你学习,好好学习英语。大家都新年快乐,新的一年身体健康,平安如意。

回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008学习了。新年快乐!The pace of time always marches faster than our assumption. While I am still trying to let myself adapt the new life in Vancouver, the countdown of the New Year has launched. 2008 is definitely a special year for me, for my family. It’s significant milestone in my life. In March, 2008, I made a farewell to my old life style and began the voyage to an overall strange country -- Canada. At that moment, no one told me what would happen in the future. However, in my deep mind, I knew I needed somewhat change for my career and decided to accept the challenge to find the answer for my life riddle through myself effort even if it sounded like an adventure. At the end day of 2008, I review the experience of the latest nine months in Canada. I feel satisfied with what I have done. I learned quite a lot of new stuff, some surviving skills, my programming level get boosting. 2008 is destined to be remembered by Chinese history. There are many momentous events happened in this year. At the Spring Festival of 2008, the Southern China experienced the most horrible snowstorm of the latest 50 years. Peoples had to suffer not only the chilly weather but also the homesick cause the snow disaster cut off the way going home. While the Southern snow had melted down to the river, some violent events happened in turn in Xinjiang and Tibet. Some innocent civilians were killed at the violent attacking. According to the oncoming Beijing Olympic Games, the riots were absolutely on some political purpose. People started to worry about the Olympic stadiums’ security system. When people had not wakened up from the panic, a huge nightmare came. About 70,000 dead and over 370,000 wounded, an extreme drastic earthquake happening in Sichan shocked the whole world. I had never fallen so many tears for my country. How many pains would China have to suffer! Fortunately, the Beijing Olympic Games was opened on time. Aug 18, 2008 is a day worthy to be remembered by every Chinese. Chinese directed the most gorgeous opening ceremony in the Olympic history. Surely, it was the most expensive one. China was eager to show the whole world its amazing development of the recent years. At the end of 2008, following the world-scale economic recession, Chinese developing economy began to drop down. Chinese stock market dramatically declined to one-third of its peak value. It’s another great shock for many Chinese. Whatever, the year full of tragedies and comedies has passed; the history will step into a new stage. At the very beginning of 2009, I bless everyone will enjoy the wonderful age.点击展开...

"For if you forgive others their sins, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. "​ 赞反馈:octor 2009-01-01#8 M 1,567 $0.00 回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008是啊,说说怎么学的啊。

回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008怎么自学呢?

回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008not bad at all~

辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008我看不懂。


回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008想问问你原来是什么英文底子呀?在哪里学了半年呀?真是写的很不错呢!!!点击展开...谢谢鼓励,很多年前考雅思是5分的水平,后来没碰过英语直到来了这里.来了以后,读过一个1个月的workshop和2个月的vcc的part-time的听说课程.不过现在口语还是非常烂的. 自学主要是1.背单词,这个好象是最基本的,背过一本3000词以后感觉很多东西看起来就容易多了;2.写英语博客,每周坚持写一到两篇,半年下来在回去看自己以前写的,觉得是提高;3. 听力是看自己喜欢的美剧,推荐《英雄》和《24小时》,用迅雷看看,把中文字幕档住,留出英文字幕;4. 口语比较烂,主要是很多单词都发错音,打算把http://www.esl-lab.com/里的情景对话全部背一遍,这样估计会有点帮助。对了,还有最好能找一本自己喜欢的好书,慢慢地读,最好每个字都搞明白,我最近在读<a world histroy> 写的非常非常好,强烈推荐,VPL有借的。。。

回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008谢谢鼓励,很多年前考雅思是5分的水平,后来没碰过英语直到来了这里.来了以后,读过一个1个月的workshop和2个月的vcc的part-time的听说课程.不过现在口语还是非常烂的. 自学主要是1.背单词,这个好象是最基本的,背过一本3000词以后感觉很多东西看起来就容易多了;2.写英语博客,每周坚持写一到两篇,半年下来在回去看自己以前写的,觉得是提高;3. 听力是看自己喜欢的美剧,推荐《英雄》和《24小时》,用迅雷看看,把中文字幕档住,留出英文字幕;4. 口语比较烂,主要是很多单词都发错音,打算把http://www.esl-lab.com/里的情景对话全部背一遍,这样估计会有点帮助。点击展开... quote: "good good study, day day up". Really impressive progress! Suggest to subscribe some local magazines, and you will definitely get writing sense with little chinenglish.

回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008谢谢分享,也向LZ学习。

班芙跟团游小贴士交流有关mini school的信息笔试小体会学车记谢谢鼓励,很多年前考雅思是5分的水平,后来没碰过英语直到来了这里.来了以后,读过一个1个月的workshop和2个月的vcc的part-time的听说课程.不过现在口语还是非常烂的. 自学主要是1.背单词,这个好象是最基本的,背过一本3000词以后感觉很多东西看起来就容易多了;2.写英语博客,每周坚持写一到两篇,半年下来在回去看自己以前写的,觉得是提高;3. 听力是看自己喜欢的美剧,推荐《英雄》和《24小时》,用迅雷看看,把中文字幕档住,留出英文字幕;4. 口语比较烂,主要是很多单词都发错音,打算把http://www.esl-lab.com/里的情景对话全部背一遍,这样估计会有点帮助。 对了,还有最好能找一本自己喜欢的好书,慢慢地读,最好每个字都搞明白,我最近在读<a world histroy> 写的非常非常好,强烈推荐,VPL有借的。。。点击展开...

回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 200809年要好好学英语了哪位给介绍介绍怎么听说电话?感觉电话里人家说话比较快,经常听不太明白

回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008哪里的WORKSHOP推荐一下,谢谢

住了确实很好,所以帮忙推荐家庭旅馆www.bestbed.ca回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008very good

回复: 半年自学英语的成果 -- My 2008请教: 我的英语几乎是零基础,自学过程中总是不能把背单词、背句子和学语法很好地结合起来,可以告诉我您的经验吗?谢谢先。

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