加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息问几个不会翻译的句子。。(急啊。在线等)
1.tom is penalized a quarter of an hour's pay for every quarter of an hour or part thereof that he arrives late or leaves early .2.to calculate gross pay, round the daily hours to the nearest quarter hour. Overtime during the week is paid on a daily time and a half basis and all saturday work is double time . the regular day is 8:00 to 12:00.3.her employer rounds her weekly hours to the nearest half hour.4.what is his gross pay if he is paid to the nearest quarter hour on a daily basis?
回复: 问几个不会翻译的句子。。(急啊。在线等)晕醉了。顶一下。
回复: 问几个不会翻译的句子。。(急啊。在线等)不知道有没打错字啊。感觉怪的话。说下。
回复: 问几个不会翻译的句子。。(急啊。在线等)看起来像是HOMEWORK。lz作业出问题了?想办法自己搞定才是。
回复: 问几个不会翻译的句子。。(急啊。在线等)看起来像是HOMEWORK。lz作业出问题了?想办法自己搞定才是。点击展开...是homework,但是是数学题啊。我都看不懂题,所以不会做啊
回复: 问几个不会翻译的句子。。(急啊。在线等)感觉象是数学作业。试着翻译一下。1,TOM每早退或迟到一刻钟或以内,就罚款一刻钟的工资。(比如他迟到10分钟,罚15分钟的工资;16分钟就罚30分钟工资)2,为了计算工资总数,将每天工作的小时数圆整到最近的几刻钟。(比如1H12M就是1H15M)。正常工作日的加班工资为平常的1.5倍(paid on a daily time and a half basis 放在一起读). 星期六工资就是平常的双倍. 正常工作时间是8:00-12:00.(此句应该有上下文吧?)3,她的老板把她每周工作小时数圆整到半小时来算(工资). (和圆整到一刻种类似吧)4,如果按每日小时数圆整到最近的几刻钟来算, 那么他的工资共是多少?翻译如有误,请指证. 谢谢!
回复: 问几个不会翻译的句子。。(急啊。在线等)1
My grandmother used to say, "Always do good to others." She was right. I do good to others (and Nature). I sense the happiness I give them, and their happiness makes me happy.回复: 问几个不会翻译的句子。。(急啊。在线等)晕,作业放到网上,翻译了再做!楼上是在帮倒忙啊!最基本的英文题都不理解,这么学习其他科目!
回复: 问几个不会翻译的句子。。(急啊。在线等)Poker007, you are right. I should explain in English, not Chinese. Anyway, I hope I can help a little bit.
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