加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息[ZT]大?3?案 2死2?


大?3?案 2死2? ?合??派高?落咀 膣遏腥锾[2009-03-04]?文:本??者李群正?大?地?打??派久合小酵周二高整地宣布,已?拘捕了「?合??派」(United Nations Gang)酵?成?及同?5人之肴,周二晚上,?小??大?再办生3宗??案,?成2死2?。近期??案件此起彼落,?在令民?不寒而?。

回复: [ZT]大?3?案 2死2?是昨天晚上啊??说说具体发生在哪个地段的?

回复: [ZT]大?3?案 2死2?METRO VANCOUVER Two people are dead and two injured following a blaze of shootings Tuesday night across east Vancouver, Burnaby and Surrey.In east Vancouver, a young man in his 20s was found slumped over the steering wheel of his car, dead of gunshot wounds."Right now it has all the marks of a gangland-style hit," Vancouver Police Insp. Bob Chapman said.He said residents near 3rd and Kaslo called 911 just before 10 p.m. to report several shots fired.When police arrived they saw the car, the shattered window, the shell casings and the blood. The victim's car is a silver Japanese model, Chapman said.At least 20 police cruisers were blocking off streets around the shooting.Chapman said witnesses saw two men in dark clothing fleeing on foot.He said the victim is Indo-Canadian, in his 20s and that police do not yet have a positive identification.Chapman said the Vancouver murder does not appear to be linked to a double shooting in Burnaby earlier in the evening that left a woman dead and a man clinging to life.Police responded to a call of shots fired at 8 p.m. in the 2300-block of Madison Avenue in Burnaby, finding the pair with gunshot injuries inside an apartment on the 25th floor.The cause of the shooting is not yet known, said IHIT spokesman Cpl. Dale Carr."We don't know enough yet. We need to get inside the apartment and speak to the neighbours. It's a mystery at this point," said Carr."It could be gang-related, it could be a domestic. We don't know yet."Also Tuesday night, Surrey police were called out to investigate a shooting in Newton.St. Sgt. Geoff Shaw said reports came in around 8 p.m. of shots fired at 68th Avenue and 130th Street, and a man showed up at an "area hospital" with gunshot wounds.“How he got there is still undetermined,” Shaw said, adding that he did not want to specify the hospital for fear the shooting was targeted.Shaw said it’s too early to say whether the incident was related to a string of gangland shootings in Metro Vancouver.“There was reports of shots fired in the area a few days back as well and we're trying to determine if there's any linkage to that incident,” he said. Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun

回复: [ZT]大?3?案 2死2?要不要中国武警官兵增援一下?

回复: [ZT]大?3?案 2死2?wow,看来经济萧条,人心惶惶,大家都耐性都减少了。还是richmond好些好像。

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