加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息看来的确是精神有问题,Greyhound bus killer found n


WINNIPEG Vincent Li has been found not criminally responsible for the murder of 22-year-old Tim McLean on board a Greyhound bus last summer.Queen's Bench Justice John Scurfield gave his decision Thursday morning, meaning Li will go to a mental health facility instead of a prison.Scurfield said the evidence is clear Li was suffering from a major mental illness when he attacked the sleeping McLean on July 30, 2008, repeatedly stabbing him and then dismembering and cannibalizing his body.Details of the crime which made news around the globe emerged this week at a trial marked by tight security and fears that vigilantes might try to harm the 40-year-old Li.Li was hearing voices in his head which he believed came from God telling him to eliminate "the force of evil" by attacking the sleeping McLean, psychiatrists said.Li stabbed the carnival worker to death, then beheaded and cannibalized the body.Terrified passengers fled the bus with RCMP officers arriving on scene only to watch for several hours as Li continued to stab and defile McLean's body.He was seen by police eating some of McLean's remains. Police later discovered McLean's eyes, part of his heart and other pieces of his flesh were missing.That Li committed the crime was never in doubt. All that the judge was asked to determine was Li's mental state at the time a finding which would decide whether he would be sent to prison or a mental hospital.Both the Crown and defence argued in favour of finding Li not criminally responsible.Dr. Jonathan Rootenberg, a forensic psychiatrist who met with Li at the request of his lawyers, told court Wednesday he believes Li didn't know what he was doing when attacked the sleeping McLean without warning or provocation."He certainly didn't know it was wrong. He was quite psychotic during that time period," said Rootenberg. He said Li likely didn't view McLean as a "human being" as he attacked him."He viewed the unfortunate victim as a demon. He believes it wasn't his hands doing that, but it was God's hands, through him."不过这句话怪怪的,“上帝之手”,好像一般中国人不会这么思考问题Rootenberg echoed the findings of the Crown's lone witness, Dr. Stanley Yaren, who told court this week how Li claims voices from God in his head caused him to single out McLean for death.Yaren said Li is slowly beginning to realize what he's done, but still doesn't accept the fact he consumed some of McLean's body parts."It may be he's blocked it from his consciousness . . . that it's just too awful for him to contemplate," he said.Yaren believes Li could make a significant recovery in the next few years under rigorous treatment and medication, but still continues suffering some delusions, including a belief he will one day be executed."He is not 100 per cent out of his psychotic phase yet," he said. "But over time, as he recovers, he will have to come to terms with the awful things that have occurred."

回复: 看来的确是精神有问题,Greyhound bus killer found not criminally responsible那要是每个人杀人只后都这么解释是不是都没事了

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