加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路
上班路上,行至KINGSWAY 夹 SLOCAN 附近时,只见前方警灯闪烁。几辆警车封了好大一片,只好绕行。 大家清楚又发生什么了
回复: 今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路昨晚枪击案。
回复: 今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路昨晚枪击案。点击展开...more details?
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=193516回复: 今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路在广播上听的,在kingsway的某个餐馆外(没去过那里,也不知讲的哪里),两波人由斗口变成动枪。好像开了十几枪。
回复: 今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路是华人黑帮?
回复: 今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路是华人黑帮?点击展开...看来华人或越南人黑帮的可能性大。太恐怖了。想想这加拿大的公安、司法等机构的那些个“公仆”应对“黑势力”的能力实在不咋的。他NND,每个人年薪是俺们移民收入的不知道多少倍。
回复: 今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路关注这些新闻一段时间后,发现这里警察的策略就是他们黑帮们自己火拼
回复: 今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路那个叫"$"记的中餐馆?
2008年9月受理母亲的移民申请,递香港2011年12月补料,3月体检(在温哥华做,母亲来探亲)5月,要求补,离婚证明,出生证明,无犯罪证明,户口簿和身份证证明6月29日,要求打手指模8月13日,要求寄护照到西雅图15日寄出,28日收到回复: 今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路It is said that one taxi driver died
回复: 今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路关注这些新闻一段时间后,发现这里警察的策略就是他们黑帮们自己火拼点击展开...貌似很多地方的警察都是这样的吧。。。
辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds Listmore details?点击展开...A man is in hospital after being discovered shot outside an East Vancouver restaurant Monday morning, police say. The man in his 30s was found bleeding on the sidewalk on the 2500 block of Kingsway around 2:30 a.m., but police said it was unclear where he was when he was shot. Police cordoned off the area on Kingsway between Earles Street and Slocan Street for several hours while they investigated, but traffic was flowing normally by 7:30 a.m. Police said it was too early to say if the shooting was targeted or related to gang activity, but they did say the victim underwent surgery on Monday morning and was expected to survive. They eventually towed away a Mercedes sedan, but did not confirm reports that an SUV was spotted leaving the scene.
回复: 今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路A man is in hospital after being discovered shot outside an East Vancouver restaurant Monday morning, police say.The man in his 30s was found bleeding on the sidewalk on the 2500 block of Kingsway around 2:30 a.m., but police said it was unclear where he was when he was shot.Police cordoned off the area on Kingsway between Earles Street and Slocan Street for several hours while they investigated, but traffic was flowing normally by 7:30 a.m. Police said it was too early to say if the shooting was targeted or related to gang activity, but they did say the victim underwent surgery on Monday morning and was expected to survive.They eventually towed away a Mercedes sedan, but did not confirm reports that an SUV was spotted leaving the scene.点击展开...Thanks, dear reporter!
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=193516回复: 今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路朋友最近考温哥华警察,现在看来,机会很大啊....警察这么忙,需要人手哦!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 今天清早六点前温哥华见警察封路最近卖枪的估计生意挺好的。
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