加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息年利6.5% 高於国债.满银发行2亿优先股


http://news.singtao.ca/vancouver/2009-03-12/finance1236846478d1651026.html [2009-03-12]加通社多伦多电 满地可银行(Bank of Montreal,TSX代?:BMO)加入大型银行发行优先股的行列,宣布?发行价值2亿元的优先股,年利为6.5%。 其他大型银行在1月和2月之间也纷纷发行优先股,优先股如同普通股票一样被计算为核心资本,但像债券一样支付固定收益。 满地可银行为了积累资本,曾在去年12月发行10亿元的普通股和4.5亿元的99年期票据,后者的利息为10.2%,?被评为一级资本(Tier 1 capital)。 满银周三表示,银行?以每股25元的价格,发行800万股21系列优先股(Series 21 preferreds),该股票头5年的收益为6.5%,胗后每5年重设一次收益,?准为高於当时5年期加拿大政府债券市场收益的4.58%。此次融资预计在3月20日结束。 其他大型银行也在近期发行优先股,提供类似的承销商选择。加拿大帝国商业银行(CIBC)发行了3.25亿元优先股,收益率为6.5%;多伦多道明银行(TD Bank)发行了3.75亿元优先股,收益率为6.25%;丰业银行(Bank of Nova Scotia)共发行两次优先股,价值6亿元,收益率为6.25%;皇家银行(Royal Bank)也发行了两次优先股,共价值6.25亿元,收益率为6.25%。加拿大的第六大银行加拿大国家银行(National Bank of Canada)发行了1.45亿元的优先股,在5年收益重设之前,银行要支付6.6%的收益率。

回复: 年利6.5% 高於国债.满银发行2亿优先股支持下

回复: 年利6.5% 高於国债.满银发行2亿优先股Bank of Montreal Announces Increase to Preferred Share IssueWed Mar 11, 1:07 PMEmail StoryIM StoryPrintable ViewTORONTO, March 11 /CNW/ - Bank of Montreal (TSX, NYSE: BMO) today announced that as a result of strong investor demand for its previously announced domestic public offering of Non-Cumulative 5-year Rate Reset Class B Preferred Shares Series 21 (the "Preferred Shares"), the size of the offering has been increased to 8 million shares. The gross proceeds of the offering will now be $200 million. The offering will be underwritten on a bought deal basis by a syndicate led by BMO Capital Markets. The Bank has granted to the underwriters an option to purchase up to an additional $75 million of the Preferred Shares exercisable at any time up to two days before closing.The Preferred Shares will be issued to the public at a price of $25.00 per Preferred Share and holders will be entitled to receive non-cumulative preferential fixed quarterly dividends for an initial five years, as and when declared by the board of directors of the Bank, payable in the amount of $0.40625 per Preferred Share, to yield 6.50 per cent annually.Thereafter, the dividend rate will reset every five years to be equal to the 5-Year Government of Canada Bond Yield plus 4.58 per cent. Subject to certain conditions, holders may elect to convert any or all of their Preferred Shares into an equal number of Non-Cumulative Floating Rate Class B Preferred Shares Series 22 on May 25, 2014 and on May 25th of every fifth year thereafter. Holders of the Preferred Shares Series 22 will be entitled to receive non-cumulative preferential floating rate quarterly dividends, as and when declared by the board of directors of the Bank, equal to the then 3-month Government of Canada Treasury Bill yield plus 4.58 per cent.The anticipated closing date is March 20, 2009. The net proceeds from the offering will be used by the Bank for general corporate purposes.The Series 21 and Series 22 Preferred Shares have not been, and will not be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and may not be offered, sold or delivered directly, or indirectly, in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements. This news release shall not constitute an offer to sell in the United States.Contacts For News Media Enquiries: Ralph Marranca Toronto [email protected] (416) 867-3996 Lucie Gosselin Montreal [email protected] (514) 877-8224 For Investor Relations Enquiries: Steven Bonin Toronto [email protected] (416) 867-5452 Andrew Chin Toronto [email protected] (416) 867-7019 Internet: www.bmo.com

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