加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息报税时LP算LG的dependant不?
如果LP收入很低,或没有,算不算LG的dependant? 谢了!
回复: 报税时LP算LG的dependant不?那一行?
http://www.canadameet.com回复: 报税时LP算LG的dependant不?provincial worksheer里的line 5820
回复: 报税时LP算LG的dependant不?更正一下,是provincial worksheet的LINE 5820
回复: 报税时LP算LG的dependant不?自己顶。有没有过来人答复一个
回复: 报税时LP算LG的dependant不?NO.
回复: 报税时LP算LG的dependant不?谢谢。这样LG就神气不起来了.....
回复: 报税时LP算LG的dependant不?俺楼主这么一解释,我觉得还真应该算地. 可是实际上大家都不这么算地. 楼主你先试一下,如果行的话,明年我也这么报.
回复: 报税时LP算LG的dependant不?LG 不算Line 5820 Amount for infirm dependantsage 18 or olderYou can claim this amount if the rules are met for claimingthe amount on line 306 of federal Schedule 1. You still maybe able to claim the provincial amount if your dependant’snet income (line 236 of his or her return, or the amount thatit would be if he or she filed a return) is less than $10,426.Complete the calculation for line 5820 on the ProvincialWorksheet in this book to determine your claim.You can also claim an amount for more than one person as long as each one meets all of the following conditions. The person must have been:your or your spouse's or common-law partner's parent, grandparent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew; born in 1990 or earlier; mentally or physically impaired; dependent on you, or on you and others, for support; and a resident of Canada at any time in the year. You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you.
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