加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教这个房子的价钱只要35000加元吗?位置好吗?


code: 1522 price: $35,000Pacific Shores Resort & Spa ph: 204-727-0304 SUPPORT TOOLSClick on the images below for a larger view. TECHNICAL DETAILS:LOCATION Area: Vancouver Island City: Parksville Neighbourhood: Nanoose BayROOM DIMENSIONSTECHNICALS Bathrooms: 2 Bedrooms Above Grade: 2 Bedrooms Total: 2 Lot Size: N/A Property Type: Timeshare PERTINENT INFORMATION:Timeshare - This title deeded property can be exchanged for any other RCI resort worldwide during any week of your choice that is currently available. FEATURES:​This executive condo features two bedrooms, two bathrooms and is located in a 4 star resort that is situated on the beach. This beautiful timeshare boasts a fully equipped kitchen, a grand gas fireplace, a laundry facility, and a kitchenette for the second guest room. The unit includes a full set of kitchen supplies, linen, TV, stereo and furniture to accommodate two couples and six guests. Resort amenities include a mineral pool, spa and hot tub, which are nestled within the rocks and overlook the beach area. In addition, there are onsite kayaks, and the resort is well equipped with a first class restaurant, grocery store, library and internet access. This unit has it all, just in time for the 2010 Olympics. www.pacific-shores.com The following items are excluded from this sale: Furniture and household furnishings.

2009年8月12日, Short Landing Canada;2012年5月23日 长登多伦多 -》2012年6月20日 申请老二团聚 -》8月31日 喔太华来信补料 -》9月14日 DM1 -》9月20日 AR2 -》10月7日-》IP ->10月25日->香港要求补料-》11月5日-》快递补料-》11月12日-》收到补护信回复: 请教这个房子的价钱只要35000加元吗?位置好吗?给来两个, 以后留着度假用

回复: 请教这个房子的价钱只要35000加元吗?位置好吗?"Property Type: Timeshare"应该是有一部分产权,每年可以住有限制的时间。

回复: 请教这个房子的价钱只要35000加元吗?位置好吗?没说一年可以用多久?

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