加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息二手买卖 - UBC RESEARCH ASSISTANT温哥华生物医学相关


更多温哥华生物医学相关工作信息在http://scimedinfo.blogspot.com/ UBC RESEARCH ASSISTANT/TECHNICIAN 2 - Pathology & Laboratory Medicine CAMPUS:VANCOUVERJOB CATEGORY:TRADES/TECHNICAL, RESEARCH/TECHNICAL, NON-UNION JOB TITLE:RESEARCH ASSISTANT/TECHNICIAN 2 DEPARTMENT: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine SALARY: Pay Grade 3; $37,369.00 - $40,950.00 Annually DURATION: 2009-03-16 to 2010-03-15 POSITION STATUS: Part-time (53%); Grant funded COMPETITION #: 090118735 CLOSING DATE: 2009-03-13, 4:30 p.m. JOB SUMMARY:To assist the Research Assistant/Technician 4 in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine's Morphological Services Laboratory. Duties include: preparing solutions and staining reagents; performing basic histological and histochemical staining techniques; handling and refilling alcohols; completing requisitions; arranging receipt and/or shipment of specimens and/or completed work; receiving laboratory supplies and chemical reagents; attending meetings; assisting with maintaining safe work practices; and performing other related duties.QUALIFICATIONS:High school graduation (BSc, BMLSc, or an equivalent preferred) plus minimum two years of related experience and the UBC Chemical and Biological Safety certification. Experience in standard histological and histochemical techniques an asset. Computer experience required. Effective oral and written communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills. Accuracy and attention to detail. Ability to work both independently and within a team environment.

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