加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Fisherman’s Wharf


1DSC00291.jpg1DSC00292.jpg1DSC00293.jpg1DSC00294.jpg1DSC00302.jpg To Vancouver, April coming not only means the end of the winter, but also the termination of five months’ frustrated rainy season. Actually, people have already enjoyed a sunny week. Many locals can’t wait wearing t-shirts and short pants despite the temperatures are still around 10 degree Celsius. Today, a sunny Sunday, our destination is fisherman’s wharf, a famous place located in the south of Richmond. It’s very convenient to get there by bus. Two o’clock PM is the busiest time of the wharf. People are waiting a seat to have a frying-fish snack at food court. Many sailing vessels and fishing boats are docked. Going down the ramp, boarding the deck, you can choose sea-food at booths temporarily setting on some boats. Unfortunately, I can’t find out a booth selling crabs though I had planned buying one. All of them are selling flesh shrimps, salmons and some bizarre marine fishes and so on. Apparently, it’s not a time to eating crab. No matter what, the landscape of seaside is pretty beautiful. You can kill a whole afternoon just sitting aside the sea and waiting sunset with a bottle of beer and some sea-food snacks. Sea mews and swans are the masters of the wharf. Some people try feeding them with shrimps that costs $4 per pound. In the other side of the wharf, there are some large fishing ships. Suppose they will make up of a fishing fleet in the certain season. All scenes aroused my memory back to ten years’ trip to another Northern American city's wharf. Particularly, there were dolphins swimming and their showtime at that wharf. And the Fisherman’s Wharf also makes me missing the delicious sea food in the ship factory of Ningbo as well. LOL.

回复: Fisherman’s Wharf1DSC00303.jpg1DSC00305.jpg1DSC00307.jpg

回复: Fisherman’s WharfFabulous photos! It is time to go fishing.

回复: Fisherman’s Wharf郊游的季节到了!

  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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