BC leading the country with job lossesJobless rate in the province up to 7.4 per cent from 6.7 in February失业率由二月份的6.7%上升到三月份的7.4%。Russ Byth VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) | Thursday, April 9th, 2009 5:55 am

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - British Columbia now joins Ontario with the dubious distinction of leading the country in job losses. Those working in construction and manufacturing were hit the hardest.22,600 workers in BC joined the unemployment lines last month, pushing the jobless rate in the province up to 7.4 per cent from 6.7 in February. That brings the total number of jobs lost to 69,000 since last October. The unemployment rate in Vancouver was 6.1 per cent. In Abbotsford it jumped to 6.9 per cent.It didn't get any better on the national front as the unemployment rate rose to 8 per cent from 7.7 per cent the previous month. That is the worst in 7 years as an additional 61,300 workers found themselves without work - more than expected, but not as high as the January and February numbers.建筑和制造业尤其受影响。温哥华的失业率为6.1%。失业率最高的地方应该是首都,由7.7%上升到8%.目前是7年来的最低点。还没有登陆的同胞可以考虑暂缓吧。
回复: BC省失业率处于国内领先地位好,就想看看这场风暴究竟可以猛烈到什么程度.
回复: BC省失业率处于国内领先地位如果能见识到失业率50%的话,这辈子就算没白活. 以后我就有机会跟年轻一辈的移民说,想当年..........总算活下来了......
回复: BC省失业率处于国内领先地位如果能见识到失业率50%的话,这辈子就算没白活. 以后我就有机会跟年轻一辈的移民说,想当年..........总算活下来了......点击展开...你家的失业率不就是50%吗? 如果家家都象你家,那加拿大的整体失业率就是50%,照样家家有吃有喝
回复: BC省失业率处于国内领先地位你家的失业率不就是50%吗? 如果家家都象你家,那加拿大的整体失业率就是50%,照样家家有吃有喝 点击展开...是啊,就盼着整体都跟我家看齐,这样才呢
回复: BC省失业率处于国内领先地位是啊,就盼着整体都跟我家看齐,这样才呢点击展开...有点不太明白失业率是怎么统计的?象我做contrator性质的工作,每天还是8小时上班,自己有个皮包公司,给自己发工资,只交CPP,不交EI, 在政府统计里这种情况算失业还是算就业?
回复: BC省失业率处于国内领先地位有点不太明白失业率是怎么统计的? 象我做contrator性质的工作,每天还是8小时上班,自己有个皮包公司,给自己发工资,只交CPP,不交EI, 在政府统计里这种情况算失业还是算就业?点击展开...你这个肯定不算失业了。
暂住 vancouver有点不太明白失业率是怎么统计的?象我做contrator性质的工作,每天还是8小时上班,自己有个皮包公司,给自己发工资,只交CPP,不交EI, 在政府统计里这种情况算失业还是算就业?点击展开...算就业.
回复: BC省失业率处于国内领先地位如果能见识到失业率50%的话,这辈子就算没白活. 以后我就有机会跟年轻一辈的移民说,想当年..........总算活下来了......点击展开...最痛苦的是什么你知道吗?就是见识了50%的失业率,可没有机会跟别人说啊!
暂住 vancouver最痛苦的是什么你知道吗?就是见识了50%的失业率,可没有机会跟别人说啊!点击展开...深挖洞,广积粮的,不用怕.老毛的谆谆教诲终于运用到实践中去了.
回复: BC省失业率处于国内领先地位算就业.点击展开...我要真失业了,只要公司帐上还有钱,我还会给自己发工资,交CPP,毕竟还要吃饭这种情况,难道我就业也好,失业也罢,在政府那里都算就业?
回复: BC省失业率处于国内领先地位总是讲失业率不断上升,而且说明年会达到9%。。。可是这个坛子上有筒子失业了么?怎么从来莫有谁讲到过?
回复: BC省失业率处于国内领先地位因为还没找到工作,何谈失业
BC leading the country with job losses Jobless rate in the province up to 7.4 per cent from 6.7 in February 失业率由二月份的6.7%上升到三月份的7.4%。 Russ Byth VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) | Thursday, April 9th, 2009 5:55 am

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - British Columbia now joins Ontario with the dubious distinction of leading the country in job losses. Those working in construction and manufacturing were hit the hardest. 22,600 workers in BC joined the unemployment lines last month, pushing the jobless rate in the province up to 7.4 per cent from 6.7 in February. That brings the total number of jobs lost to 69,000 since last October. The unemployment rate in Vancouver was 6.1 per cent. In Abbotsford it jumped to 6.9 per cent.It didn't get any better on the national front as the unemployment rate rose to 8 per cent from 7.7 per cent the previous month. That is the worst in 7 years as an additional 61,300 workers found themselves without work - more than expected, but not as high as the January and February numbers.
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