加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?


Calgary best city on the planet: Toronto Board of TradeTue Apr 7, 5:08 PMEmail StoryIM StoryPrintable ViewCalgary is the top city out of 21 major urban areas in terms of living quality and economic potential, according to a new study released by the Toronto Board of Trade.The board launched its first-ever study of the world's biggest cities on Tuesday, measuring urban locations in terms of quality of life and economic competitiveness."Calgary's blistering economy over the past five years may have powered it to the top, but its overall favourable environment provides a solid basis for attracting and keeping people," according to the report, which was called Scorecard on Prosperity.Calgary was the only city to earn an overall grade of "A." Dallas was next up, garnering a "B" grade in the report, slightly ahead of another "B" city, Hong Kong.The report was compiled with information collected before the current economic downturn."Calgary's continued domination is currently under threat, as weaker energy prices and tighter credit conditions have slowed oil and gas activity in the province of Alberta. This is likely to be reflected, as data from current conditions becomes available," indicates the report.Toronto ranked fourth on the list, but only received a "C" for its efforts. Canada's biggest city was tied with Boston, London and New York on the board's listing. In fact, Toronto only managed to beat out Oslo, Rome, Barcelona and Montreal in productivity, a key measure of future economic competitiveness."The benchmarking study reveals the Toronto region as 'mediocre' in terms of its current economic competitiveness and at risk of further decline," said the board of trade's chief executive officer Carol Wilding in a press release.While Toronto's showing is respectable, the city really feeds other, more prosperous areas outside the main core, the study said."This confirms what many people believe: that Toronto offers a generally good quality of life that will be in jeopardy without a stronger economic platform," the report said.Vancouver made the overall list, tied at 8th. Quebec City grabbed the 10th spot while Montreal managed to get a 13th-place showing

回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?Calgary best city on the planet: Toronto Board of TradeTue Apr 7, 5:08 PMEmail StoryIM StoryPrintable ViewCalgary is the top city out of 21 major urban areas in terms of living quality and economic potential, according to a new study released by the Toronto Board of Trade.The board launched its first-ever study of the world's biggest cities on Tuesday, measuring urban locations in terms of quality of life and economic competitiveness."Calgary's blistering economy over the past five years may have powered it to the top, but its overall favourable environment provides a solid basis for attracting and keeping people," according to the report, which was called Scorecard on Prosperity.Calgary was the only city to earn an overall grade of "A." Dallas was next up, garnering a "B" grade in the report, slightly ahead of another "B" city, Hong Kong.The report was compiled with information collected before the current economic downturn."Calgary's continued domination is currently under threat, as weaker energy prices and tighter credit conditions have slowed oil and gas activity in the province of Alberta. This is likely to be reflected, as data from current conditions becomes available," indicates the report.Toronto ranked fourth on the list, but only received a "C" for its efforts. Canada's biggest city was tied with Boston, London and New York on the board's listing. In fact, Toronto only managed to beat out Oslo, Rome, Barcelona and Montreal in productivity, a key measure of future economic competitiveness."The benchmarking study reveals the Toronto region as 'mediocre' in terms of its current economic competitiveness and at risk of further decline," said the board of trade's chief executive officer Carol Wilding in a press release.While Toronto's showing is respectable, the city really feeds other, more prosperous areas outside the main core, the study said."This confirms what many people believe: that Toronto offers a generally good quality of life that will be in jeopardy without a stronger economic platform," the report said.Vancouver made the overall list, tied at 8th. Quebec City grabbed the 10th spot while Montreal managed to get a 13th-place showing点击展开...某一个机构的评价,侧重某些方面的评价,是有一定道理的。例如卡加利,经济高速发展,但如果说宜居方面,还是远远不及温哥华,这个问问香港大款大富及千万身家的红星艺人安居哪里就清楚了,脚是最好的投票工具。

中央集权,地方民主,香港模式,中国希望中央集权,省市民主,港澳模式,中国希望维护中央集权以强化外交国防大工业推行省市民主以抑制贪污腐败小衙门回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?How come there are more chinese immigrants in vancouver than in calgary?

回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?How come there are more chinese immigrants in vancouver than in calgary?点击展开...一言以蔽之:脚是最好的投票工具。

中央集权,地方民主,香港模式,中国希望中央集权,省市民主,港澳模式,中国希望维护中央集权以强化外交国防大工业推行省市民主以抑制贪污腐败小衙门回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?没去过Calary,有用脚量过的广而告之一声呼?

回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?没去过Calary,有用脚量过的广而告之一声呼?点击展开...你想知道什么? 我在calgary

回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?你想知道什么? 我在calgary点击展开...想啊,想啊,你知道的我都想知道。没准那天搬那去呢

回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?想啊,想啊,你知道的我都想知道。没准那天搬那去呢点击展开...欢迎,不过你也许会失望,名不副实,呵呵~

回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?在温和卡之间徘徊,我也想知道


回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?calgary 石油之城,油价高于80美圆(估计值)时会欣欣向荣,否则只会止步不前.我是旁观者, 更希望"战斗在加国"发表看法.

回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?最近网上看职位招聘信息,感觉还是Alberta机会多,尤其是我的专业(GIS)方面,职位还是不少,也在想是不是该去那里呢,就是感觉一年大部分时间都是冬天好像做什么都没心情了。

为啥尼?点击展开...卡城和大温没法比,一是没那么漂亮 二是文化活动少 三是气候干燥,忽冷忽热,有些人不容易适应从大温过来的人,失望是难免的. 不过卡城也没那么糟糕,也有其优点,综合来看在加拿大来说也算个不错的地方

回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?最近网上看职位招聘信息,感觉还是Alberta机会多,尤其是我的专业(GIS)方面,职位还是不少,也在想是不是该去那里呢,就是感觉一年大部分时间都是冬天好像做什么都没心情了。点击展开...Alberta其他地方气候不行,calgary位置特殊,时常有暖流,路面也不怎么积雪,比其他地方好过得多

回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?calgary 石油之城,油价高于80美圆(估计值)时会欣欣向荣,否则只会止步不前.我是旁观者, 更希望"战斗在加国"发表看法.点击展开...油价高,成本也高,油价低,成本也会降,我不是油行业的,不知道他们是怎么算的.最近油价低迷,很多人都失去了工作,尤其是些工程公司calgary经济的特点就是起落很大,能源总的说来需求还是有的,我相信过几年又会热起来calgary的地理环境不错,气候还行,是西部的商业重镇,因此吸引了不少公司在此设总部,可以说并不是完全依赖石油工业

回复: 温哥华世界第8名(生活质量和发展潜力)?卡城和大温没法比,一是没那么漂亮 二是文化活动少 三是气候干燥,忽冷忽热,有些人不容易适应 从大温过来的人,失望是难免的. 不过卡城也没那么糟糕,也有其优点,综合来看在加拿大来说也算个不错的地方点击展开... 嗯,这样我比较平衡加纷纷酬谢

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