回复: 请问以前有TZ说CPP和EI低收入可退回,如何办?是overpayment那部分可以退。用软件报税可看到这部分退税。自己试过用纸报税,但没找到哪里可计算overpayment.
回复: 请问以前有TZ说CPP和EI低收入可退回,如何办?在税务局网站上可找到计算表格
回复: 请问以前有TZ说CPP和EI低收入可退回,如何办?好像报税时候只看到CPP有overpayment,没看到有EI的部分嘛?请知道的TZ指教。
回复: 请问以前有TZ说CPP和EI低收入可退回,如何办?EI和CPP政府先hold住,如果你是低收入家庭,会refund给你,和退税一起给你。而且EI和CPP可以作为tax credit.
回复: 请问以前有TZ说CPP和EI低收入可退回,如何办?But seems that there is no space for me to fill in the amount of CPP and EI. What I see in the form is there is one line for overpayment of CPP, does it include the EI overpayment already?I filed my tax return using 3 different softwares: Ufile, quicktax and studio tax. The final refundable amount is exactly the same, which should have included the refund of EI and CPP, am I right? Really appreciate all your help.
回复: 请问以前有TZ说CPP和EI低收入可退回,如何办?EI overpayment and CPP overpayment could be calculated in a whole on the same form, if I didn't wrongly remember.Furthermore, these overpayment refunds are not the business with wether you are low income. If you were high income, and you have paid even higher rate level EI/CPP payment last year, you are still qualified for overpayment refund; however if you were low income but you paid lower rate level EI/CPP payment, you still have to pay extra payment to cover the difference when filing your tax.
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