加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息在听radio,没听清,不知道bcit发生了什么事?



回复: 在听radio,没听清,不知道bcit发生了什么事?http://www.news1130.com/news/local/more.jsp?content=20090416_133340_4548I think it's about the worker strike.

回复: 在听radio,没听清,不知道bcit发生了什么事?嗯,也用这个网站听radio,但感觉好快呀.比用收音机听要快好多.我原来用收音机听fm88.1. radio one .

回复: 在听radio,没听清,不知道bcit发生了什么事?its janitorial staff strike.... teacher won't cross picket line... students are sent home coz they won't cross the line as well

回复: 在听radio,没听清,不知道bcit发生了什么事?Compass Labour Dispute update for Thursday, April 16Last updated at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 16: Pickets by the Compass Group custodial employees are now up at the Burnaby Campus at BCIT. If you encounter a picket line at an entrance to the campus, you are not required to cross the picket line, however, you are required to enter through any unpicketed entrance or through a gate which has been designated by the Labour Relations Board in order to access campus and report to work or to class. The map of the campus has been attached below and the designated entrances have been circled in green.Earlier Thursday morning there was some confusion about which entrances could be picketed which resulted in a small number of class disruptions. That issue has now been resolved and the ruling by the Labour Relations Board regarding unpicketed gates at the south entrances is in place allowing access to and from the Burnaby campus. BCIT remains open for both daytime and evening classes.Please take into consideration additional traffic congestion when making your travel plans. Also, please take extra precautions, driving slowly, to reach your destination. Additional security will be situated around campus to assist in traffic control and direction.Further updates will follow as new developments arise. Thank you.Burnaby Campus map

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