加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Help me for house rental - need consultation


I'm now in Burnaby Library so I can only input English here. I need someone to help me on the decision of one accomodation sharing rental. I arrived Metrotown Burnaby on 4/27, I booked 1 month family hotel, now I'm looking a new accommodation sharing room next Month. Today I went to a house at Metrotown area to see the rental room. It is a big house, 2 rooms upstairs, the room I will possible to rent is $450/month and upstairs. It INCLUDES all the utilities like hydro, water, phone, cable, broadband, no extra fees. Half month fee in deposit, need 1 month in advance if want to leave. The house total has 5 tenants, 2 upstairs, 3 downstairs. My room is a small room, enough to put a bed, one table, and some narrow space to put my suitcases. The light of my room is fine since it is upstairs. There are other BIG sharing living room, kitchen and laundry room, 2 bathrooms, familiy room. The landlord is a Croatia old man. No other Chinese tenant. I just arrive in here for settlement, PLEASE tell me is it a fair rental price in Metrotown?

回复: Help me for house rental - need consultation看得好费劲,已在温哥华的同志帮忙看看吧

回复: Help me for house rental - need consultation价格还行吧,如果离metrotown很近的话;地毯还是地板?share两个还是一个厨房? 房间里提供家具和电视么?

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]宠辱不惊,闲看庭前花开花落;去留无意,漫随天外云卷云舒。回复: Help me for house rental - need consultationI want to know either, anyboday could answer!

richmond家庭旅馆、干净整洁![email protected]回复: Help me for house rental - need consultationThis price is very reasonable!only one small bedroom, share living room, kitchen and bathroom.

回复: Help me for house rental - need consultation价格还行吧,如果离metrotown很近的话; 地毯还是地板?share两个还是一个厨房? 房间里提供家具和电视么?点击展开... 是地毯, 我的 房间 只有 床和 桌子。 厅 里什么都有TV, 家具等 。

回复: Help me for house rental - need consultation我仔细看了合同, 有点 不满的是每人每星期只能洗一次衣服。还要轮换给整个House吸尘 犹豫中

回复: Help me for house rental - need consultation我仔细看了合同, 有点 不满的是每人每星期只能洗一次衣服。还要轮换给整个House吸尘 犹豫中点击展开...只能洗一次衣服?有烘干机么――还是要晾干呢,晾干就比较讨厌了,尤其是冬天;实在不行也可以去外面的coin laundry自助洗的这个轮流吸地 汗 ――所以我个人比较喜欢地板的公寓,扫扫拖一拖就非常干净了,地毯总觉得有点弄不干净。。。就是不太干净吧偏偏也还需要脱鞋不能可劲儿糟蹋比较难伺候 洒点什么也是问题

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