加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息维他命C和锌在维持健康的免疫功能方面的作用
维他命C和锌在维持健康的免疫功能方面的作用 (粗略翻译,不当之处请指正) The role of vitamin C and zinc in healthy immune function 提要:持续不断的研究表明,摄入足够的维生素C和锌改善症状和缩短呼吸道感染,包括普通感冒。 在感染或应激期间,血浆和血细胞中的维生素C浓度迅速下降。研究表明,维生素C补充剂可以改善人体免疫系统的一些要素,如抗菌和自然杀伤细胞的活 动,增殖的淋巴细胞(白血球) ,chemotaxis* ,和迟发型超敏反应。在炎症反应期间,适当的维生素C有助于完整和健康的细胞膜来对付过度自由基损伤。 锌不足的状况也会损害细胞免疫功能:损害细胞吞噬功能和NK细胞活性。因此,这两个营养素在免疫功能和健康的抗感染方面扮演重要角色,同时减少了传染性疾病的风险,严重程度和持续时间。这一点在摄入这些营养物质不足的人群中,如低收入家庭和老年人尤其重要。 大量的随机对照试验表明:摄入足够的高级维生素C和锌可以减轻症状和缩短呼吸道感染,包括普通感冒。研究还表明,足够的维生素C和锌减少发病率和提高治疗肺炎,疟疾和腹泻疾病等的效果,(特别对发展中国家的儿童)。 摘自Ann Nutr Metab 2006;50(2):85-94。 *chemotaxis(趋化细胞现象?)是这样一种症状:身体细胞,细菌和其他单细胞或多细胞生物体根据他们周围的某些化学品的环境来运动。维生素C是众所周知的影响中性粒细胞趋化或白血细胞运动以响应感染体。 有需要各种维他命者,请联系7785886438[email protected] times of infection or stress, vitamin C concentrations in plasma and blood cells rapidly decline. Research has shown that vitamin C supplementation can improve several elements of the human immune system such as antimicrobial and natural killer cell activities, proliferation of lymphocytes (white blood cells), chemotaxis*, and delayed-type hypersensitivity. During an inflammatory response, adequate vitamin C contributes to the integrity and health of the cell membranes which protect against excessive free radical damage. Inadequate zinc status is also known to impair cellular immunity by impairing phagocytosis and natural killer cell activity. Therefore, both nutrients play important roles in immune function and the healthy resistance to infectious agents, reducing the risk, severity, and duration of infectious diseases. This is particularly important in populations with insufficient intake of these nutrients, such as low-income families and the elderly. A large number of randomized controlled trials with advanced intakes of vitamin C and zinc document that adequate levels of vitamin C and zinc may reduce symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory tract infections, including the common cold. Research also indicates that adequate vitamin C and zinc reduce the incidence and improve the outcome of pneumonia, malaria, and diarrhea infections, especially in children in developing countries. 摘自Ann Nutr Metab 2006;50(2):85-94. * Chemotaxis is the phenomenon in which bodily cells, bacteria, and other single-cell or multicellular organisms direct their movements according to certain chemicals in their environment. Vitamin C is known to influence neutrophil chemotaxis, or white blood cell movement in response to infectious agents.
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