加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!
回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!得想想好怎么说!万一说错,让他们误解了,就麻烦了!!
回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!我07年短登,今年来长登。09年报08年的税,但08年我一整年在中国,我是让人给我报的($15报税那种)。今天收到税务局给的退税$75.听人说,我在国内不应该给退税。现在怎么补救,请教大家!!打什么电话,咨询税务局?另外税务局有中文服务吗?我英语不太好,怕解释不清楚。我可不想让税务局以为我占政府便宜。点击展开...看把你吓的,呵呵,这个税没错,不会找你。
暂住 vancouver回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!只要申报的海外收入,也会有GST什么的退税,一个人是75/季度,没错,别担心了!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]幸福四人行......回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!主要看07年的税怎么报的,如果07年是非居民,把08年抱成居民就很不合理。07年如果是居民,08年大概不能报非居民
回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!主要看07年的税怎么报的,如果07年是非居民,把08年抱成居民就很不合理。07年如果是居民,08年大概不能报非居民点击展开...我08年在中国,所以07年的税没报,这次09年一下子报了08年的税,捎带补报了07年的税。在这边还是规规矩矩做人,特别是税务。政府可是相信咱的。
回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!没问题啦,这个75元是低收入每人都有的,一次性地.也不是每季都有,每季都有的是政府按你的收入给你核的GST退税金额,根据收入不同,低收入大概每季一百多吧还过,按道理你应该不用报税,你如果是09年登,07和08都不应该报的.说不定哪天税务局要让你退回去这75刀.
回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!这个确实特别复杂,最好找一个专业点的会计商量帮着报
回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!没问题啦,这个75元是低收入每人都有的,一次性地.也不是每季都有,每季都有的是政府按你的收入给你核的GST退税金额,根据收入不同,低收入大概每季一百多吧还过,按道理你应该不用报税,你如果是09年登,07和08都不应该报的.说不定哪天税务局要让你退回去这75刀.点击展开...反正有很多说法,07年短登时候,就有人说我既然已经成为加拿大PR了,就要开始报税。这次09年过来长登,找了个会计师报税。他说我既然07年报过06年的海外税,那07,08年就别漏了。所以一起报了。退75刀那是小事,如果要退,就说明不是我该得的。怕就怕到时税务局说我弄虚作假,就影响,信用不好了。弄不好还罚我。就麻烦了!!我以前RICHMOND有个邻居,他找专业的报税,要被收100多呢。虽然贵,但专业!!早知道比较复杂,就不该找便宜不专业的。
回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!反正有很多说法,07年短登时候,就有人说我既然已经成为加拿大PR了,就要开始报税。这次09年过来长登,找了个会计师报税。他说我既然07年报过06年的海外税,那07,08年就别漏了。所以一起报了。退75刀那是小事,如果要退,就说明不是我该得的。怕就怕到时税务局说我弄虚作假,就影响,信用不好了。弄不好还罚我。就麻烦了!!我以前RICHMOND有个邻居,他找专业的报税,要被收100多呢。虽然贵,但专业!!早知道比较复杂,就不该找便宜不专业的。点击展开...没有你想的那么复杂,税务局也不是完全根据你报的,他们也要审核你报税的材料,认为没有问题才给你退税的,如果错了也是他们的失误,你又不是专业人士,你没有什么责任的。
暂住 vancouver回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!我也刚收到退税了,跟专业会计师报的没差一分钱,看来我花的50刀是值得的..
回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!我也刚收到退税了,跟专业会计师报的没差一分钱,看来我花的50刀是值得的..点击展开...你的情况复杂啊,跟人家不一样,楼主情况那么简单,花100刀报税还不如直接把75刀退回去,省的闹得慌。呵呵
暂住 vancouver回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!the 75 dollar should come from British Columbia Credits. That's for low income person. And the following is the requirement for it:http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tg/5010-n/5010-n-08e.html#P169_19612Form BC479, British Columbia CreditsYou may be entitled to the sales tax credit, venture capital tax credit, mining exploration tax credit, and the training tax credit even if you do not have to pay tax. To claim these credits, attach a completed Form BC479, British Columbia Credits, to your return.Lines 1 to 13 - Sales tax creditYou can claim this credit if, on December 31, 2008, you were a resident of British Columbia and you met any of the following conditions:you were 19 years of age or older; you had a spouse or common-law partner; or you were a parent. If you had a spouse or common-law partner on December 31, 2008, you and your spouse or common-law partner have to decide which one of you will claim the sales tax credit for both of you.Only one claim can be made for each individual.You cannot claim this credit if, on December 31, 2008, you were confined to a prison or a similar institution and were there for more than six months during 2008.Do not claim this credit on a return for a person who died in 2008.The sales tax credit is for low-income families and individuals. If you had a spouse or common-law partner on December 31, 2008, and your income for the sales tax credit (complete lines 1 to 8 using the information from your and your spouse's or common-law partner's return for the year) was $25,500 or more, your sales tax credit for the year is zero.If you were single, separated, widowed, or divorced on December 31, 2008, and your income for the sales tax credit (complete lines 1 to 5 in column 1 only, and lines 6 to 8) was $18,750 or more, your sales tax credit for the year is zero.NoteEnter your marital status and information about your spouse or common-law partner (including his or her net income, even if it is zero) in the Identification area on page 1 of your return.
岁月静好!你的情况复杂啊,跟人家不一样,楼主情况那么简单,花100刀报税还不如直接把75刀退回去,省的闹得慌。呵呵点击展开... 说的也是...
回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!没什么大不了的,但是确实是错了。 如果你是07年“段登”,09年“长登”,那么在加拿大税务局眼里你是在09年才成为加拿大居民,而不是07年,这就是对于07和08税务年度来说,你在加拿大既没有纳税义务,也没有享受福利的权利,那75元退税也不应该享受。 解决办法:写个说明材料,说明你在07年和08年的居住状态,寄给税务局,他们会自动把你报的税reverse,同时他们会要求你把那75元给他们退回。
唐人故事 我能把鸡蛋立起来,你也能海外资产申报,你真的明白吗中国移民圈子里的十大讹传避税策略讨论 人寿保险,你真的明白吗纪念我的双十 理财那点儿事儿没什么大不了的,但是确实是错了。如果你是07年“段登”,09年“长登”,那么在加拿大税务局眼里你是在09年才成为加拿大居民,而不是07年,这就是对于07和08税务年度来说,你在加拿大既没有纳税义务,也没有享受福利的权利,那75元退税也不应该享受。解决办法:写个说明材料,说明你在07年和08年的居住状态,寄给税务局,他们会自动把你报的税reverse,同时他们会要求你把那75元给他们退回。点击展开...
赏 没什么大不了的,但是确实是错了。如果你是07年“段登”,09年“长登”,那么在加拿大税务局眼里你是在09年才成为加拿大居民,而不是07年,这就是对于07和08税务年度来说,你在加拿大既没有纳税义务,也没有享受福利的权利,那75元退税也不应该享受。解决办法:写个说明材料,说明你在07年和08年的居住状态,寄给税务局,他们会自动把你报的税reverse,同时他们会要求你把那75元给他们退回。点击展开...这是个好办法,写封说明材料给他们,如实说明一下。然后让税务局自己决定怎么处理。不管到底是退不退。这样我也不存在隐瞒不报的事了。Dear sir : My name is xxx xx. My Sin number is xxx-xxx-xxx. I received the letter and income tax refund from Canada Revenue Agency yesterday. But I am not sure I have right to have income tax refund. Because I asked one accountant in Richmond to declare my income tax of 2007. I am wondering whether he understood that I was not in Canada in 2008 when he filled my income tax form. And someboday told me I could not get income tax refund if I was not living in Canada in 2008. Could you please to check my information again? sincerelyxxx xxMay 13 2009我英语不好,你们帮我看看,这样解释可以吗?
回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!the 75 dollar should come from British Columbia Credits. That's for low income person. And the following is the requirement for it: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tg/5010-n/5010-n-08e.html#P169_19612 Form BC479, British Columbia CreditsYou may be entitled to the sales tax credit, venture capital tax credit, mining exploration tax credit, and the training tax credit even if you do not have to pay tax. To claim these credits, attach a completed Form BC479, British Columbia Credits, to your return. Lines 1 to 13 - Sales tax creditYou can claim this credit if, on December 31, 2008, you were a resident of British Columbia and you met any of the following conditions: you were 19 years of age or older; you had a spouse or common-law partner; or you were a parent. If you had a spouse or common-law partner on December 31, 2008, you and your spouse or common-law partner have to decide which one of you will claim the sales tax credit for both of you. Only one claim can be made for each individual. You cannot claim this credit if, on December 31, 2008, you were confined to a prison or a similar institution and were there for more than six months during 2008. Do not claim this credit on a return for a person who died in 2008. The sales tax credit is for low-income families and individuals. If you had a spouse or common-law partner on December 31, 2008, and your income for the sales tax credit (complete lines 1 to 8 using the information from your and your spouse's or common-law partner's return for the year) was $25,500 or more, your sales tax credit for the year is zero. If you were single, separated, widowed, or divorced on December 31, 2008, and your income for the sales tax credit (complete lines 1 to 5 in column 1 only, and lines 6 to 8) was $18,750 or more, your sales tax credit for the year is zero. NoteEnter your marital status and information about your spouse or common-law partner (including his or her net income, even if it is zero) in the Identification area on page 1 of your return.点击展开...照这样说,我是符合条件,获得$75的退税了。
回复: 我报税可能犯错了,请教怎么补救!!你08年根本不是税务居民,不要报08年的税。税务局说的resident和移民部说的不是一个概念,简单来说,你08年12月31日前在加拿大如果没房没车没收入没存款没老婆孩子没驾照没有任何与加拿大发生经济利益的事情,你也没在加拿大住,那你一定不是税务居民,你就不要报税。
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