加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息同志们,温哥华附近到底有没有好的露天温泉?
我们是永远不变的――永远的年轻,永远的热泪盈眶。回复: 同志们,温哥华附近到底有没有好的露天温泉?(除了harrison spring以外)有
------------------------------------------------http://www.beaware.gc.ca/english/toce.shtmlhttp://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.htmlhttp://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/toce.shtml回复: 同志们,温哥华附近到底有没有好的露天温泉?(除了harrison spring以外)同问。还要近点的。
回复: 同志们,温哥华附近到底有没有好的露天温泉?(除了harrison spring以外)先说两个:sloguet hot spring--沿harrison lake西岸往山里去,来回近500KM,途径威化溪观鱼处;Meager Creek Hot Spring--经过威斯勒前面小镇pemberton右行进山;还有两个记不住名字--其中一个在harrison lake东岸山里,但对车辆的要求都很高,基本上4驱是必要的(非城市型4驱)
------------------------------------------------http://www.beaware.gc.ca/english/toce.shtmlhttp://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.htmlhttp://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/toce.shtml先说两个:sloguet hot spring--沿harrison lake西岸往山里去,来回近500KM,途径威化溪观鱼处;Meager Creek Hot Spring--经过威斯勒前面小镇pemberton右行进山;还有两个记不住名字--其中一个在harrison lake东岸山里,但对车辆的要求都很高,基本上4驱是必要的(非城市型4驱)点击展开...那个不错,可以露营,不过野温泉不是什么人都可以泡的。要是车不是很好建议从北面走,Mt. Currie那边进去的FSR比较好走,从南边走需要GPS地图和很高底盘车。
赏 先说两个:sloguet hot spring--沿harrison lake西岸往山里去,来回近500KM,途径威化溪观鱼处;Meager Creek Hot Spring--经过威斯勒前面小镇pemberton右行进山;还有两个记不住名字--其中一个在harrison lake东岸山里,但对车辆的要求都很高,基本上4驱是必要的(非城市型4驱)点击展开...sloguet hot spring: 要HIKING呀, 困难点... Meager Creek Hot SpringGPS Co-ordinates (WGS84)N50.57548 W123.46486这个好象不用HIKING, 就可以到, 但没有CAMPING SITE. 有没有去过地TZ, 详细介绍介绍. 最喜欢JASPER那样的温泉, 雪山环抱着, 冷热池交换泡...
回复: 同志们,温哥华附近到底有没有好的露天温泉?(除了harrison spring以外)Visitors seeking to rejuvenate their soul should venture out to Meager Creek Hot Spring, tucked away in the Coast Mountains near Pemberton, northwest of Vancouver. The Japanese-style hot spring, in a natural outdoor setting, offers a change room and two natural rock baths. The spring is maintained by the BC Forest service, with a nominal entrance fee. The day-use only Meager Creek is a favourite spot for residents of southwest BC. Clothing is optional. Primitive no-service camping is available nearby, and a serviced campsite is planned for the future. The Meager Creek is one of the most unstable valleys in BC, and has been the site of a number of dangerous landslides, normally during heavy rains or soon after a serious deluge. The gravel forest road to the site was washed out during severe flooding in October 2003, but has since reopened, providing easy access by road from Vancouver and Whistler to within a few hundred metres of the springs. As the area is still very geologically active, it is prudent to confirm the state of the access road with the Forestry Service before visiting. Visitors are required to haul out whatever they haul in, particularly garbage, and should please note that No Dogs are allowed at Meager Creek Hot Spring. The dog ban is entirely a health matter, as the springs are not required to be chlorinated, and the Coastal Health Authority has threatened closure of the springs if dogs are permitted on site. The springs are being managed as a recreational area by an independent contractor. A nominal $5 fee for day use applies, for site cleaning and maintenance. The site is now restricted to day use only. Meager Creek Hot Spring is a pay site, with a nominal charge of $5 per day. There is a site operator at the gate to cross the bridge to the site. LocationMeager Creek Hot Spring is located west of Pemberton in the Coast Mountain Range, 3 hours north of Vancouver.
回复: 同志们,温哥华附近到底有没有好的露天温泉?(除了harrison spring以外)有打算去地, 知会一声, 想去....
回复: 同志们,温哥华附近到底有没有好的露天温泉?(除了harrison spring以外)明年会去,sloguet hot spring上次跑去没营地又灰溜溜回来
------------------------------------------------http://www.beaware.gc.ca/english/toce.shtmlhttp://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.htmlhttp://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/toce.shtmlThe Meager Creek is one of the most unstable valleys in BC, and has been the site of a number of dangerous landslides, normally during heavy rains or soon after a serious deluge. The gravel forest road to the site was washed out during severe flooding in October 2003, but has since reopened, providing easy access by road from Vancouver and Whistler to within a few hundred metres of the springs. As the area is still very geologically active, it is prudent to confirm the state of the access road with the Forestry Service before visiting. .点击展开...Sounds very dangerous! Harrison hot spring is still my favourite place!
岁月静好!明年会去,sloguet hot spring上次跑去没营地又灰溜溜回来点击展开...没有营地, 只是不尽兴而已. 温泉如何呀? 在山上还是溪谷里?
回复: 同志们,温哥华附近到底有没有好的露天温泉?(除了harrison spring以外)没有营地, 只是不尽兴而已. 温泉如何呀? 在山上还是溪谷里?点击展开...营地在山腰,温泉在溪谷,爬上爬下也挺累
赏 还好了,走一会儿就到了,一般早上走中午能到,要是那里没营地,往北面走一点有个地方有可以露营的地方。有个小教堂。的那里。可以在湖边露营。点击展开...这是一会儿?考虑考虑残废人士...
回复: 同志们,温哥华附近到底有没有好的露天温泉?(除了harrison spring以外)冬天露营对装备要求很高吧,但如果不是冬天泡温泉,又欠点意思……楼上的几位继续说说吧,野温泉是怎么个野法儿?
我们是永远不变的――永远的年轻,永远的热泪盈眶。回复: 同志们,温哥华附近到底有没有好的露天温泉?(除了harrison spring以外)要开越野车才能到啊。森林人行不行?
回复: 同志们,温哥华附近到底有没有好的露天温泉?(除了harrison spring以外)要开越野车才能到啊。森林人行不行?点击展开...森林人不是越野车.开jeep的rubicon比较保险
白石镇,素里,兰里。豪华途锐SUV接送。机场,旅游,5级陪练。可以长途。北极之旅。穿越加拿大之旅。沿途欣赏加拿大的美景和野生动物。20年的驾车经验和多年的户外运动经验。778-995-0287森林人不是越野车.开jeep的rubicon比较保险点击展开...看来为了多地方玩,我要换目标车型了。 不过,我对rubicon的兴趣不大。暂时觉得FJ cruiser不错。
人在广州,上网去温哥华。回复: 同志们,温哥华附近到底有没有好的露天温泉?(除了harrison spring以外)fj和rubicon的功能还是不能笔的。
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