加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教BCIT事宜


借宝地问一下,听人说BCIT有10个月的财会培训班,可我查的都是2年制的diploma,请问有人知道吗? 另问,在温找份会计工作效率最高的办法是什么?(本人在其他省做过两个月会计,CGA,CMA待考)

回复: 请教BCIT事宜朋友介绍应该是最快的了。BCIT好像都是2年。其他学校有10个月左右的。出来那一定不一样。等CGA过了,我想工作就容易找了,

回复: 请教BCIT事宜是这个吗?http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/8400btech#detailsProgram lengthFull-time students will complete required Advanced Technical Specialty courses in two semesters, fall and winter. Additional 12 credits of Liberal Studies courses should be completed before or after the required Advanced Technical Specialty courses. For the part-time option, candidates are required to complete the Bachelor of Technology in Accounting within seven years.

回复: 请教BCIT事宜是这个吗?http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/8400btech#details Program length Full-time students will complete required Advanced Technical Specialty courses in two semesters, fall and winter. Additional 12 credits of Liberal Studies courses should be completed before or after the required Advanced Technical Specialty courses. For the part-time option, candidates are required to complete the Bachelor of Technology in Accounting within seven years.点击展开...The Bachelor of Technology in Accounting has been structured on a degree-completion basis with BCIT's Financial Management diploma as its foundation这个好象这个是在完成diploma的课程后,继续进修本科的吧??

回复: 请教BCIT事宜是这个吗?http://www.bcit.ca/study/programs/8400btech#details Program length Full-time students will complete required Advanced Technical Specialty courses in two semesters, fall and winter. Additional 12 credits of Liberal Studies courses should be completed before or after the required Advanced Technical Specialty courses. For the part-time option, candidates are required to complete the Bachelor of Technology in Accounting within seven years.点击展开...The Bachelor of Technology in Accounting has been structured on a degree-completion basis with BCIT's Financial Management diploma as its foundation这个好象这个是在完成diploma的课程后,继续进修本科的吧??

  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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