加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求助:关于国内考的CGA 学分 transfer 到加拿大的问
如题,我准备明年过去,今年时间比较宽裕,想在国内考几门CGA,但是不确定已考的CGA课程能不能全部transfer到加拿大,虽说是全球统一考试,可是加拿大那边到底认不认国内的成绩,非常怀疑,因为我听说我在加拿大读的accounting master 在加拿大只能免8门,在国内可以免14门,差别太大了,所以特来求助,有没有有过transfer经历的同学指点一二?拜谢!
回复: 求助:关于国内考的CGA 学分 transfer 到加拿大的问题I just transferred my CGA score last year. The exam for CGA is the same worldwide. You need to complete 4 courses before you apply for the transfer from China to Canada. Other thing you need to consult with local CGA office. Maybe you could get more waivers in China. If so, Canada admit the assessment, but you could get two more courses add-in, Business Law and Public Speaking. After my transfer, I got the two new courses in my new assessment.It is only for your reference.
回复: 求助:关于国内考的CGA 学分 transfer 到加拿大的问题多谢楼上的信息!
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