加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息PC beef recalled due to E. coli。 PC的牛肉制品质量有问
CBC新闻说:在魁北克和安省还有大西洋其它地区的PC的牛肉制品因污染,被召回。肉眼看不出,但如果吃了受污染的肉类,会导致严重疾病,危及生命安全。不知道加西的有没有这个问题。偶家都在COSTCO买肉类。Consumers should avoid eating certain President's Choice brand steaks, roasts and ground beef products that are being pulled from store shelves because of possible contamination with E. coli, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency says. The agency issued the health hazard alert Tuesday as an expansion of a recall of beef products processed in the U.S. in April by JBS Swift Beef Company in Greeley, Colo., after 18 people fell ill. Those products have moved through the system and are no longer for sale, CFIA spokesman Garfield Balsom said Wednesday. However, the agency wants people to make sure the affected products are not stored in their refrigerators or freezers. If they are, they should not be eaten, Balsom said. The alert affects: Fresh beef steaks, roasts and ground beef bearing best-before dates between April 29 and June 16, inclusive, sold in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada.Fresh beef knuckle roasts, four to five pounds (about 1.8 to 2.27 kilograms), sold from April 30 to June 10 at Sue's Market at 205 Don Head Village Blvd. in Richmond Hill, Ont. The agency advises consumers who have purchased the affected products to throw them out. As of Wednesday, no illnesses in Canada associated with the contamination had been reported. Food contaminated with E. coli O157:H7 may not look or smell spoiled, but eating it may cause serious and potentially life-threatening illnesses. CFIA list of products affected by the recall PC cab sirloin tip stk marinating sc.PC cab sirloin tip oven roast sc.PC cab strip loin grilling stk sc.PC cab strp loin prem oven rst sc.PC cab tenderloin grilling stk sc.PC cab tnderloin prem. oven rst sc.PC cab flank marinating steak sc.PC tnt top sirloin steak cp.PC tnt top sirloin beefeater steak.PC tnt top sirloin cap steak.PC tnt top sirloin steak.PC tnt top sirloin oven roast.PC tnt top sirloin steak.PC tnt top sirloin steak cp.PC tnt top sirloin roast.PC tnt top srln c/o beefeater.PC tnt top srln cap stk bnls.PC tnt top srln cap stk bnls.PC tnt top sirloin steak.PC tnt top sirlion steak cp.PC tnt top srln c/o beefeater.PC tnt top sirloin oven roast.PC cab beef ground xlean sc.PC cab beef ground lean sc.
回复: PC beef recalled due to E. coli。 PC的牛肉制品质量有问题被召回没看到JASIMINEE已经四小时前就发了该牛肉帖。恳请傲版把偶的帖给删了。谢谢。
回复: PC beef recalled due to E. coli。 PC的牛肉制品质量有问题被召回可以让更多的人看到,也不用删啊
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