加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息richmond出事啦,plane crash
人生不过是行走的影子回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash啥时候?
加分分分分分分分分分分分分回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash真的?小型飞机在列治文五号路失事冲入民房(2人死亡)?
回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash好像是晚上10点多。。。窝刚回来看到新闻尾巴。。。
人生不过是行走的影子回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash万幸是小飞机. Richmond 有那么多民宅在飞机起降的航道上, 万一是大飞机, 后果不堪设想.
回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash不敢在RMD住了。。。
香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash
回复: richmond出事啦,plane crashTwo people died on Thursday night after a small passenger plane crashed into an industrial area in Richmond, B.C., as it made its final approach into Vancouver International Airport.The twin-engine PA-31 Piper Navajo was en route from Victoria when it nosedived into a parking lot behind the IKEA store in the 12000 block of Vickers Way in Richmond at about 10:15 p.m. PT, airport spokeswoman Alana Lawrence told The Canadian Press.The plane was about eight kilometres away from the airport and had been cleared for landing when the control tower lost contact, officials said.The model of plane carries two crew and up to six passengers. Officials have not yet commented on how many people were on board the aircraft at the time of the crash.Assistant RCMP Supt. Peter German confirmed that two people on board the plane died in the crash. German said that police believed they were the only people in the aircraft at the time.Police are not aware of anyone on the ground being injured, German said."We're very lucky, very fortunate," German said. Fast-food restaurants, big box stores and residential townhouses are also near the scene.Eyewitness reports indicate the plane was flying very low over the area before it nosedived into the ground and burst into flames about 15 metres high."There was a bang and our house shook, lights flickered, and there was a big cloud of smoke," said Christine Malcolm, who lives nearby.The crash also affected hydro poles near the scene.Police, fire and rescue officials, and emergency health services responded to the scene.The Transportation Safety Board arrived at the scene early Friday morning and will be taking charge of the investigation, officials said.The plane was believed to be operated by a charter company based in Richmond.City officials said the crash does not pose a danger to residents living in the area but have asked that people avoid using streets in the region, including Bridgeport Way.The crash has also not affected the status of flights at the airport.
成功落?加拿大 回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash是industrial area,不是住宅区,而且是晚上10点多,估计伤亡的都是飞机上的。
回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash不敢在RMD住了。。。点击展开...把房子送给我吧。
http://www.canadameet.com回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash路过
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]笑傲江湖人未老,纵横天地任逍遥。回复: richmond出事啦,plane crashrichmond 这是最近两年的第二次了。。所以,我们英语老师说,never住到richmind
回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash不住RICHMOND,就因为怕飞机半夜撞屋顶?呵呵
回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash在aberdeen里看飞机降落,很酷的
人生不过是行走的影子richmond 这是最近两年的第二次了。。所以,我们英语老师说,never住到richmind点击展开...richmond不是到处有飞机啊,也不是到处都是航线,准确的说,应是不要住在航线上.
赏 所以,我们英语老师说,never住到richmind点击展开...你们英语老师这么说的???
圣经学习中,请多多指教!求购像这样的儿童乐高玩具你们英语老师这么说的???点击展开...我们英语老师是这么说的,不过说的另一个原因是globe warming,而且现在richmond在海平面下,如果一旦----,richmond gone,所以never 住那儿
回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash我们英语老师是这么说的,不过说的另一个原因是globe warming,而且现在richmond在海平面下,如果一旦----,richmond gone,所以never 住那儿点击展开...是有重演新奥尔良悲剧的可能,别忘了温哥华在地震带上.
回复: richmond出事啦,plane crash“never 住那儿”--你们英语老师是华人吧?
圣经学习中,请多多指教!求购像这样的儿童乐高玩具“never 住那儿”--你们英语老师是华人吧?点击展开...当然是local生的西人。 如果是华人,好了。那么多喜欢的。。尤其广东的。。
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