加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息忽发奇想:大家都来晒一晒收到的骗人邮件吧
典型的利用账户,打支票兑现时间差骗钱的邮件。Hello.We are a large financial companyand our main fields of activity are securities, trading services, andbrokerage. During the global financial crisis, we have acquired a lotof customers who are waiting now for a jump in the basic stock quotes.Most of those newly acquired customers are from Canada. Unfortunately,the legislation does not permit us to directly work with physicalpersons. To do so, we need to have a regional office or authorizedrepresentative. In view of the fact that we do not expect keeninterest from Canada, the opening of a representative office is notreasonable. According to the aforesaid, we are looking for a responsible andreliable person for intermediary services, who can be our officialrepresentative in his / her region. If you are interested in our proposition, we are ready to provide youwith more detailed information. Please apply stating the position of interest in the subject line,reply to my e-mail directly. -- Truly yours, Katharine Foss
回复: 忽发奇想:大家都来晒一晒收到的骗人邮件吧老有继承遗产,然后怎样怎样的,也没耐心看
回复: 忽发奇想:大家都来晒一晒收到的骗人邮件吧交友骗钱的邮件。附有照片的俄罗斯美女啊。国际通称:调情者。My name is Nina to me of 27 years. Since the childhood I live in the city of Kirov. It is very beautiful city the truth it not such and big but it very much is pleasant to me. And you sometime were in Russia?And where you in general were? What it was pleasant to you most of all and whether in general it was pleasant? It would be very interesting to Me to learn about it. About my city you for certain did not hear, but I shall try you to explain, where it is. It is located in the north of Russia, in 900-1000 Kilometers from Moscow. Having looked at a card, you can learn approximately about its site. I very much love the city, as those, with its noise, transport, museums, streets and houses. Only because it is My City!I have left school in this city having studied 11 classes I have decided to find in myself economic abilities. Then I have acted in Mari State University. And now I have the diploma in higher education and on a speciality book keeping and audit. After the termination of University I thought that with ease I shall find to myself work but it has appeared not so that simply as our city is very small, work in it to find almost that is impossible. My speciality, certainly, is demanded, but only in the most best quality. To take a place of the good bookkeeper to me it is necessary to have the working experience that means work on the previous place not less than five years. But it is simply impossible, because as the young expert who just has ended university, can have this experience. After all my searches, me have accepted in shop which delivers all city various electric details. In shop, under the name "Light" I work here five years. I there to combine two posts, I work as the assistant to the bookkeeper and the manager of a hall. Certainly, I dream of something greater, but also this work too very much is pleasant to me. My working day lasts seven hours, and I have two target days in a week, including all the state holidays and red days of a calendar. Our shop is in city centre and it is considered enough greater. Owners of shop in the near future want still will extend, and to open one more shop in which it is possible me will already accept on a post of the chief accountant. To that I am very glad.Tell to me more about your work in what it consists? Whether in what you are engaged Is pleasant to you? In general all is interesting to me about you the nobility! Only ксожелению it is time to me to go home, up to tomorrow. Your new girlfriend Nina.
回复: 忽发奇想:大家都来晒一晒收到的骗人邮件吧我妈在上海接到一个“电信局”的电话 说她“没付电话费”等等……
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016)回复: 忽发奇想:大家都来晒一晒收到的骗人邮件吧那容易,我的邮箱设定了垃圾邮件筛选功能,你要这种邮件,我去它专设的垃圾邮件箱随便给你粘一封过来(顺便说一下,我根本没有Paypal帐户):Security Center Advisory!PayPal is constantly working to ensure security by screening accounts daily in our system. We recently reviewed your account, and we need you to verify information to help us provide you with secure service. Until we can collect this information, your access to sensitive account features will be limited or terminated. We would like to restore your access as soon as possible, and we apologize for the inconvenience.Why is my account access limited?Your account access has been limited for the following reason(s):# May 26, 2009: We have reason to believe that your account was accessed by a third party. Because protecting the security of your account is our primary concern, we have placed limited access to sensitive PayPal account features. We understand that this may be an inconvenience but please understand that this temporary limitation is for your protection.Click here to Remove Account LimitationsCompleting all of the checklist items will automatically restore your account to normal access.Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal TeamPlease do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and choose the "Help" link in the footer of any page.To receive email notifications in plain text instead of HTML, update your preferences here.PayPal Email ID PP
回复: 忽发奇想:大家都来晒一晒收到的骗人邮件吧我也接到过类似邮件,早已删除,并将邮件地址设入黑名单中,这几天没接到过。
回复: 忽发奇想:大家都来晒一晒收到的骗人邮件吧楼主也不怕中毒,还打开看。我是看不明白标题的邮件全删,宁可错删一千,也不乱开一个。
。。。回复: 忽发奇想:大家都来晒一晒收到的骗人邮件吧up
回复: 忽发奇想:大家都来晒一晒收到的骗人邮件吧好注意我找找
持牌教练,五级七级,专业高效,收费合理。6049611617回复: 忽发奇想:大家都来晒一晒收到的骗人邮件吧骗子太多,天天都有这样的邮件。我还接到声称国家税务局的电话和EMAIL呢,说你欠税,把钱打入一个私人账户。骗子也太傻了,税咋可以汇私人账户?还接到过声称国家安全局的电话要钱的。最经典的是上海xx公司打着海关的旗号,骗了我们6000块钱说用作啥软件维护费,公司的小姑娘傻傻的,真的把钱汇给他们了,第二年又来要了,我才发现,一查原来是个野鸡公司,打了一个上午的电话,他们乖乖的把钱还给了我们。
回复: 忽发奇想:大家都来晒一晒收到的骗人邮件吧今天公司还收到一个INTERNATIONAL FUND 的传真,说这个号码中了由YAHOO组织的一个抽奖,达八十多万呢,不过我们都不理,都说这是个SCAM。
回复: 忽发奇想:大家都来晒一晒收到的骗人邮件吧这算什么,我公司还专门有人上门来推销什么书呢,说是税务局的,说每一家都得订的,让我们选,先看后付款。还是个漂亮的中年女人,我第一句话就说,请出示工作牌,她说忘记带了,我说那你什么时候带来了,再说,他灰溜溜的走了,还放了一句话说,我们会来查你们的。我说,你们来查好了。以后再也没有下文。想一想,税务局的人会大热天来每家公司推销书??这是天大的笑话。
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