加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息珍惜你参政议政的机会,与你的切身利益有关
珍惜你参政议政的机会,与你的切身利益有关政府:我们真的想听听公众怎样看待“版权法”改革在去年试图通过版权改革法案的动议(copyright reform bill, C-61)遭受惨败之后,加拿大政府今天旧事重提。不过这一次玩点民主新意,在正式起草法律文本之前,一些市政听证会已经在全国展开,一个专门的网站也已向公众开放以征求广泛的意见。相信公众有很多话要说。http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/07/canada-we-actually-want-to-hear-from-public-on-copyright.ars这个版权改革法案和华人社区有很大关联,去年的企图中包含备份你的合法数字内容(DVD等)、合法转换到移动设备上以及从互联网上下载版权内容非商业使用等等,我想都是我们喜欢做的。不过这一次版权持有者们将要对这些行为进行限制并收取授权费用。请把你的想法告诉政府,在没有立法之前,所有想法都是合理的。http://copyright.econsultation.ca/讨论、意见征集期限: Jul 20 - Sep 13, 2009如果你认为这个和你没有关系,请回忆一下去年美国的一个用户因为侵犯美国相关法律被诉讼并受罚款$9k/每首歌,想想吧。。。
转贴一些发言Imagine a world where you wouldn't let your friend borrow your screwdriver because you bought it for you and that after 3 uses of it you would have to call the company to reactivate it.Imagine not being able to play a single note of music on your guitar because someone else played it before.Imagine not being able to invent an electric drill because someone already had the rights to a tool made for driving screws.Imagine locking up everyone in jail because there are criminals out there.I say let's not punish the honest people because of the criminals. I mean would you ban forks because someone could kill with it?Let's not kill our own evolution for the sake of money.Anyways remember one thing any great ideas or inventions no matter what have been successful so I say NO to these new laws.***************I am a Linux user and a purchaser of DVDs and Ebooks. Currently, I have to break the encryption on DVDs in order to watch them on my computer (I do not own a TV). This is currently legal under Canadian law as I have legally purchased the DVDs. Bill C-61 would have made this normal activity illegal. Canadian copyright law should be modernised to protect my fair dealing rights to watch my legally purchased DVDs and move my legally purchased ebooks to new devices I buy.*****************I don't think we need to "modernize" our copyright laws. Truly we need to ignore the imaginary issues that big business wants us to believe. File Sharing is with few exceptions free in all ways and done in private. It is very common and it is NOT stealing. It is simply SHARING which is in the nature of human beings worldwide. It is in our interests to not pander to Newscorp, Time Warner, and Disney which are not in our interests as CANADIAN'S we are not American's and therefore do not have to have extreme copyright laws. The current laws are fine thank you very much.
回复: 转贴一些发言Imagine a world where you wouldn't let your friend borrow your screwdriver because you bought it for you and that after 3 uses of it you would have to call the company to reactivate it. Imagine not being able to play a single note of music on your guitar because someone else played it before. Imagine not being able to invent an electric drill because someone already had the rights to a tool made for driving screws. Imagine locking up everyone in jail because there are criminals out there. I say let's not punish the honest people because of the criminals. I mean would you ban forks because someone could kill with it? Let's not kill our own evolution for the sake of money. Anyways remember one thing any great ideas or inventions no matter what have been successful so I say NO to these new laws. *************** I am a Linux user and a purchaser of DVDs and Ebooks. Currently, I have to break the encryption on DVDs in order to watch them on my computer (I do not own a TV). This is currently legal under Canadian law as I have legally purchased the DVDs. Bill C-61 would have made this normal activity illegal. Canadian copyright law should be modernised to protect my fair dealing rights to watch my legally purchased DVDs and move my legally purchased ebooks to new devices I buy. ***************** I don't think we need to "modernize" our copyright laws. Truly we need to ignore the imaginary issues that big business wants us to believe. File Sharing is with few exceptions free in all ways and done in private. It is very common and it is NOT stealing. It is simply SHARING which is in the nature of human beings worldwide. It is in our interests to not pander to Newscorp, Time Warner, and Disney which are not in our interests as CANADIAN'S we are not American's and therefore do not have to have extreme copyright laws. The current laws are fine thank you very much.点击展开...,仔细看来,C-61法案很可怕啊,绝对不能通过.
回复: 珍惜你参政议政的机会,与你的切身利益有关顶
回复: 珍惜你参政议政的机会,与你的切身利益有关UP.
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