加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY
再涨点, 得换回人民币了.另外, 由于美国Home resale水平上升了3.6%. Dow也大幅走高
回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY不知道下一个5.3得到什么时候了〉?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNYhao好
回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY不错,9月回国,可以换点了。
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=73073&page=10回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY前段时间到了5.9真该换的,一犹豫它就又上来了。
回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY不知道下一个5.3得到什么时候了〉?点击展开...估计得石油20多美金一桶的时候. 或者, 人民币再活动一下筋骨
回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY美股新高,经济危机真就这么结束了?
回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY美股新高,经济危机真就这么结束了?点击展开...The Bank of Canada is declaring the recession essentially over in Canada and projecting the economy will bounce back at least twice as strongly as in the United States.
回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNYBank of Canada says recession over, growth returning to economyBy Julian Beltrame, The Canadian PressOTTAWA - The Bank of Canada is declaring the recession essentially over in Canada and projecting the economy will bounce back at least twice as strongly as in the United States. The bank said Thursday it estimates the Canadian economy will advance by 1.3 per cent during the current July-September period, and three per cent in the fourth quarter, both at annualized rates. The bank's quarterly monetary policy report contains many cautions about how the world and Canada is coming out of the deepest and most painful downturn since the Second World War. The bank remains concerned that the fragile financial systems in the United States and Europe may contain more unpleasant surprises that will sideswipe the global economy once more, and it believes the strengthening loonie is not helpful given the Canada's dependence on exports. As well, it warns the recovery is at best nascent and dependent on massive government stimulus and historic low interest rates to support domestic activity and consumer spending. But overall, the new outlook represents a clearly more optimistic view of the Canadian economy than governor Mark Carney presented in April, when he saw the contraction that began last October lasting at least until the fourth quarter of 2009, and the dip in the first month of this year breaking all records. The more optimistic view of the economy had an immediate effect on the Canadian dollar, which surged 0.97 cent to 92 cents US. The Bank of Canada first indicated it was about to brighten its outlook on the economy on Tuesday in a statement accompanying the decision to keep short-term interest rates unchanged. At that time, it said the economy would shrink by 2.3 per cent this year - implying growth had already begun - and expand by three per cent in 2010. On Thursday it said that economic growth "is now projected to turn positive in the third quarter (of 2009)." Carney told reporters at a news conference after the release of the bank's monetary report that recovery it will be a "gradual" process. "Global economic activity appears to be nearing its trough, and there are increasing signs that activity has begun to expand in many countries in response to monetary and fiscal policy stimulus and measures to stabilize the global financial system," Carney said Thursday. "However, this recovery is nascent, and to sustain global growth effective and resolute policy implementation remains critical." That effectively means that the downturn that cost Canadians close to 400,000 jobs since October has ended, although the recovery will be modest by historic standards. The bigger bounce the bank is projecting starting this quarter does not change its overall view that it will take until mid-2011 for Canada's economy to return to full capacity. What is happening, say the economists in the bank's governing council, is that Canadians are responding to low interest rates and growing confidence by pulling the trigger now on such big-ticket items as houses, cars, furniture and appliances they were planning to purchase later. Still, Canada will do better than many other industrialized countries, the bank predicts. The U.S. has stopped shrinking, but is still likely not growing. And Europe may still be in recession, along with Japan. Next year, the U.S. will only rebound by 1.4 per cent, less than half Canada's rate, and the European area by a mere 0.7 per cent. The strongest engine of growth globally is China, expected to rebound to 8.3 per cent growth next year, almost two points higher than predicted three months ago. The bank credits Canada's ability to grow out of recession earlier than it thought in April to a sooner bounce-back in commodity prices and underlying strengths in the economy, including a relatively stable financial sector and households that were less indebted than in the United States. As well, wage increases have remained relatively healthy at about three per cent annually than might have been expected given massive layoffs, falling inflation, and production cutbacks. Some conditions have already returned to normal, the bank said, including overall financial conditions and household credit, which has been boosted by demand for new mortgages. This has helped shore up Canada's domestic economy. But the bank also sees future improvements for Canada's export sector, which it says will disproportionately benefit from the U.S. recovery starting next year. Just as Canadian exports of autos and wood products were hardest hit during the downturn, they will be boosted more than other industries once demand returns in the U.S. In the past, economies have bounced back significantly stronger than even the bank's new rosier forecast. But the bank said the recession has triggered such fundamental restructuring in many industries that going forward, Canada will just not have the means to produce it had in the past, limiting output capacity growth to 1.5 per cent next year and 1.9 per cent in 2011. Currently, the bank estimates the Canadian economy is operating 3.5 per cent below capacity.
岁月静好!回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY看来加币很难跌到去年的低位了,温哥华房价也难跌回冬天了.
岁月静好!回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY现在买房是不是好时候呀?
回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY看来加币很难跌到去年的低位了,温哥华房价也难跌回冬天了.点击展开...为什么
回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY虚火已以
回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY哈
回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY什么时候会跌下去呢。
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY好..
团聚类移民2007-07-30递交资料2007-11-03收到VISA2007-12-14登陆温哥华The Bank of Canada is declaring the recession essentially over in Canada and projecting the economy will bounce back at least twice as strongly as in the United States. 点击展开...俺现在对加拿大官府的分析持怀疑态度,去年哈珀还说加拿大没有危机呢。他们都是马后炮。
回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY就看中国什么时候想让人民币升值,如果想的话,到4也没有问题
原创:尿还能让活人给憋住???引用:我始终认为给日本车让道是每个公民应尽的义务!!! [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 加币很猛: 1.00 CAD = 6.29441 CNY换不换呢?我们得准备盘缠回家过年呀.
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