1. Complaint to Newspaper:“The People’s Business”Vancouver Sun2250 Granville ST.Vancouver, BC. V6H 3G2(604)732-2112 2. Complaining about Merchandise:Consumers’ Association of CanadaCAC B.C.505-198 West Hastings ST.Vancouver, BC V6B 1H2(604)682-3535/(604)682-2920Fax

604)682-6331 Better Business BureausBBB of Mainland BC788 Beatty ST. Suite 404Vancouver BC V6B 2M1(604)682-2711Fax: (604)681-1544 Consumer Affairs Dept./MinistriesBC Ministry of the Attorney GeneralConsumer Services1019 Wharf ST., 3rd FloorBox 9297 Victoria, BC V8W 9J8(250)387-9112 Direct MarketingCanadian Direct Marketing Association1 Concorde Gate, Suite 607Don Mills, Ontario M3C 3N6(416)391-2362Fax

416)441-4062 3. Something relates to HealthHealth Canada(613)957-2991 Allergy/Asthma Information AssociationAAIA BC113-445 Yates Rd.Kelowna BC V1V 1Y4(250)861-6590 4. Automobile complaintsAutomobile Protection Association292 ST-Joseph Boulevard WestMontreal, Quebeq H2V 2N7(514)272-5555160 Pears Avenue, Suite 322Toronto, Ontario M5R 1T2(416)964-6774 BC Ministry of Transportation and HighwaysPublic Affairs940 Blanshard ST.Victoria, BC V8W 3E6(250)387-3198 5. Money relatedOffice of the Superintendent of Financial InstitutionsVancouver1095 West Pender ST. Box 11Vancouver BC V6E 2M6(604)666-5335 Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation50 O’Connor ST., 17th FloorBox 2340 Station DOttawa, Ontario K1P 5W51-800-461-2342 Insurance Bureau of CanadaBC Office409 Granville ST. Suite 550Vancouver BC V6C 1W9(604)684-3635 Insurance SuperintendentsBC Superintendent, Finance Institution Commission1050 West Pender ST. Suite 1900Vancouver BC V6E 3S7(604)660-2923 6. Complaints to the ProfessionalsColleges of Physicians and SurgeonsColleges of Physicians and Surgeons BC1807 West 10th AvenueVancouver BC V6J 2A9(604)733-7758Fax

604)733-3503 Dental Licensing AuthoritiesCollege of Dental Surgeons of BC1765 West 8th Avenue, Suite 500Vancouver BC V6J 5C6(604)736-3621Fax

604)734-9448 Law SocietyLaw Society of BC845 Cambie ST. Vancouver BC V6B 4Z9(604)669-2533Fax

604)669-5232 Police ComplaintsBC Police Services#207-815 Hornby STVancouver BC V6Z 2E6(604)660-2385 RCMP Public Complaints CommissionsRegional Office for BC840 Howe ST., Suite 670Vancouver BC V6Z 2L2(604)666-7363(call collect) Certified General Accountants’ Association of Canada1188 West Georgia ST.Suite 700Vancouver, BC V6E 4A2(604)669-3555 7. Crime and PunishmentWorkers’ Compensation Board of BC Criminal Injury CompensationBox 5350Vancouver BC V6B 5L5(604)244-64008. Human RightsWestern1320-800 Burrard ST.Vancouver BC V6Z 1X9(604)666-2251Fax

604)666-2386 Provincial Human Rights CommissionsBC Council of Human Rights844 Courtney ST., 2nd FloorVictoria, BC V8W 9J1(250)387-37101-800-663-0876 Offices of the Commissioner of Offical LanguagesBC10055-1-6 ST. Room 620Edmonton Alberta T5J 2Y2(403)495-40951-800-661-3642 9. Complaints about GovernmentCanadian Taxpayers FederationBC Division1207 Douglas ST. Suite 604Victoria BC V8W 2E7(250)388-36601-800-699-2282 Provincial/Territorial Government InquiresCalls from within Vancouver(604)660-2421Calls from within Victoria(250)387-6121Calls from anywhere else in BC1-800-663-7867 Provincial Ombudsmen931 Fort ST.Victoria BC V8V 3K3(250)387-58551-800-567-3247
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