加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问怎样报省考?(校外的)
回复: 请问怎样报省考?(校外的)这个你难倒我了。你去咨询下当地的教育局看看?
你只管在上主內喜歡,祂必滿全你心的意願。 (聖詠集37:4)回复: 请问怎样报省考?(校外的)好像必须上课了才可以。。。http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/handbook/0809handbook_procedures.pdf第21页:To be eligible to write a provincial examination, a student must be: enrolled in a British Columbia public school (including a distanceeducation school or a Continuing Education Centre), or enrolled in a Group 1, 2 or 4 British Columbia independentschool, or registered as a home schooler with any of the above schools, or enrolled in a British Columbia offshore school.Students shall have completed sufficient learning outcomes to beprepared to write an examination. Students may not use a provincialexamination session to practise writing provincial examinations.Students may use sample exams found at www.bced.gov.bc.ca/examsto become familiar with types of exam questions and exam format.点击展开...
辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List回复: 请问怎样报省考?(校外的)谢谢2楼,谢谢3楼 。我在找找看。
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