加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息感谢一下拾到我相机的美女,Plus惠斯勒游记


Today I accompanied a friend and his parents to Whistler. It’s my first time to go there. And what I only knew about this place was that the town would take all of mountain ski matches of 2010 Winter Olympic Games. After arriving parking lot, I decided not to take lift to Whistler Mountain Peak due to lift’s expensive ticket price. I stayed at the plaza which was newly built for Olympic Games, part of that was still under-building, many fashion franchises had already inhabited. One corner of the plaza was the termination of a complex mountain bike trail. Many bikes leaped down the trail in a line. After taking Safeway sandwich, I decided to go hiking alone. Read the tourist guide, the Lost Lake aroused my interest. Technically, it was a mountain bike trail around the lake. When I walked along the way, I saw some families were biking there. Father always led the team, and then two or three children, Mother played security guard at the last position. How adorable! After one hour’s hiking, I eventually find the Lost Lake; it’s a deep blue lake. In the front of the lake, some children were playing at beach. And some young ladies were swimming in the lake. It’s a beautiful and cozy place. I sit at lawn to enjoy the scene. I was totally attracted by landscape, while I went off; I left my camera on lawn. I did not hear somebody calling behind me though. When I recognized that the call was to me and turned back, a beautiful Chinese lady had chased me about 50 meters , holding my camera. And she asked if I lost my camera in Chinese and English again. I was really moved with her nice behavior. Friend said overseeing from mountain peak was gorgeous. Actually, for now, the whole mountain was covered by brown cedars, except the ski track covered green grass. Even in summer, it’s a spectacular landscape; how wonderful it would be in winter!

回复: 感谢一下拾到我相机的美女,Plus惠斯勒游记thanks

回复: 感谢一下拾到我相机的美女,Plus惠斯勒游记谢谢分享!

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 感谢一下拾到我相机的美女,Plus惠斯勒游记帮顶,昨天虽然做了一天车夫不过还是很开心的。应该跟人家照张像:)

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层



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